Test 2
Section 1 (Arrange accommodation in student’s hall of residence)
- I’m doing a course in nursing.
- A lot of students opt for that.
- We do have halls which tend to cater for slightly older students.
Section 2 (Wildlife Club + 地图题)
- information board
Section 3 (Future of Self-Access Centre)
- self-access
Section 4 (Company Cultures)
- *Company cultures include:
Power culture: usually found in small organizations
- Control is in the hands of one or two people. Aren’t many rules or procedures.
- Communication is usually in the form of conversations rather than written memos.
- Can act quickly in response to threat, danger or opportunities.
- Efficiency might be low.
- Job security cannot be guaranteed. -> Suitable for risk-seekers.
Role culture: more often in large companies
- Separate departments that specialize in different things.
- Existence of senior managers.
- Everyone is controlled by sets of rules and procedures.
- Particularly successful in markets where technical expertise is important.
- Can achieve economies of scale.
- Low reaction speed to change. -> Suitable for people who value security and who don’t want to have responsibility (Risk-averse)
Task culture: in organizations that are project-oriented
- Market is extremely competitive or products have short lif-span.
- Can’t produce economies of scale or great depth of expertise. -> Suitable for people who like working in groups or teams.