
欢乐的时光总是短暂的。想必很多同学们还沉浸在前几天Easter假期的氛围当中,却发现assignment的due date已经越来越近。坐在电脑前准备写作业却发现大脑一片空白,无从下笔。墨尔本文波雅思PTE的小编精心准备了一些写essay的tips给那些有拖延症的同学们,让你瞬间不再拖延,早点完成作业。

Tips for writing when you don’t want to write

Start by writing down any thoughts you have for your essay. This helps to get rid of the expanse of white page. (Remember you don’t need to show these thoughts to anyone else at this stage).

Try different approaches such as mind-mapping, flow charts or free-writing.

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pte and assignment


Discuss your ideas with others in your group. Discussion can be a useful way of generating new ideas and also encourages you to see other perspectives.

Try writing in a different location or writing at a different time of day. Make a note of which locations/times suit you best.

Type out your topic headings, references or bibliography.

Type out any quotations you think you might use.

An action plan for writing:

 Consider your short term and long term writing objectives. Work out what writing needs doing now or in the next few days, and what needs thinking about for the future.

Make a timetable. This makes the workload organised and manageable. Work out what can be achieved in a day/week/month and be realistic about what can’t be achieved.






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