雅思口语9分-巨星访谈连载3-男神Jake Gyllenhaal英语逆天口才秀你一脸

墨尔本文波雅思的巨星采访笔记连载3又来啦!这次为大家带来的是全球最受欢迎的好莱坞演员杰克·吉伦哈尔。他一直是让广大粉丝们无比疯狂的好莱坞巨星,相信大家也很想学习一下他说英文时流利的语速和过人的口才吧!今天小编就为大家带来他关于电影《源代码Source Code》完整的采访赏析,其中不乏极其精彩的9分口语句式和词汇,内容覆盖了描述a subject, a person and an experience等各类IELTS必考题型,请烤鸭们务必好好学习噢!

PS: 这哥们儿真是好能说啊!!


Source code is a computer program that allows you to enter the body of another person for the last 8 minutes of their life.

注意在描述泛指个体时所有格用their,修饰的life和another person对应不需要加复数。


So, basically, my character, Captain XXX goes into the body of someone else right before a catastrophe to try and figure out who bombed this train and why it happened, and ultimately he has figured out why he’s there and for what reasons.



So, however you would feel, most likely, waking up on a train, not in your own body, and not knowing where you were or why you were there, is exactly the experience of the movie, and ultimately, it’s just as relieving as it would be for someone who finds out the answer, because he finds out the answer for all those questions.



It’s an exhausting experience ultimately because your mind, your heart, you know, everything is working all at once, and it’s a rare thing in movies where you’re tense.



…and to see it at the premiere the other week at xxx, I was on the edge of my seat. I was tensed the whole time. I left like as if I had never experienced it at all, and yet that was me up there, so I think that says something about the film.

premiere 首映;on the edge of my seat形容观影时紧张情绪的地道表达;as if I had…注意过去完成时的使用;that says something about…描述一件事物很好用的总结句。


‘Tell us about an actor who has influenced you’

There are a number of actors that I’ve been influenced by, but I think it’s a mixture between a human being and a real actor and humanitarian in an incredible soul, I would say, XXX.

a mixture between … and … in an incredible soul 描述人物时非常精彩的开头


every bit of him seems to be honest…essentially his soul and his goodness comes through and it’s admirable…he’s a real man to look up to.

every bit of someone 某人的一切;essentially 本质上,9分词汇;to look up to 景仰;这些都是描述一个你尊敬的人时可用的地道表达。


‘About IMDB’

I’m a IMDB pro member and I use it for all different things, I mean, looking up people who I don’t know, cast members who may have been cast in a movie, directors and their films they have made, you know, up to date information about the film community, I mean, millions of different things, every resource you need.

口语中列举一个东西的用途时,大可以用这样连续并列的方式进行补充说明;millions of 适当夸张显得更生动。


It’s a tremendous resource and has been for me getting information and making choices, creative choices eventually.

tremendous 庞大的,9分词汇;has been for me doting sth相比I have been using it for更加连贯地道的表达方式;口语中注意多使用并列的伴随状语让你的表达更流畅。



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