
2015年4月11日雅思考试A类大作文原题:Many old people are competing with young people for the same job nowadays. What problems does it cause and how to solve them?

老年人和年轻人竞争同样的工作,导致了什么问题(what problems does it cause),如何解决?



今天很多同学和我回忆时,发现都有偏题的迹象。一个同学说很多老人重新回到工作岗位,和年轻人竞争。实际题目里没有重新回到这一说。还有同学一看到cause, 就写原因了。结果人家问你他导致了什么结果,不是原因。所以:


第二步:同义替换:senior citizens/ pensioners/ the old employees/the old workers

第三步:problems:   1. Senior citizens may not have the leisure time which they rightly deserve.—- financial security—-mounting competition—superior medical services and nutritional diet—they cannot rent a recreational vehicle and travel around the world anymore even though they may have worked for a lifetime.

2. The old employees may be deprived of their precious time with their family.—-For example, in some Asian countries, many senior citizens are living with their sons or daughters and sometimes they can take care of and educate the grandchildren. They could have spent more time at home and played with kids.

Solutions: 1. The government should offer sufficient financial support to senior citizens.

2. Individuals can take out some insurance policy so they can be covered when they lose their jobs from some particular reason.

3. Employers are advised to provide their employees with certain benefits, such as superannuation, future options so when they become old they can have their peace of mind.






6 Comments 2015年4月11日雅思考试写作第一时间解析:老人抢工作?


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