雅思PTE写作9分素材之Mass Media(报纸,杂志,书籍,网络)

今天墨尔本文波雅思PTE的小编帮大家搜集一些关于Mass media and its influence on society的素材,希望能够帮助到各位雅思和PTE小主们。

In the last five decades or so, the media and its influence on the societies, has grown exponentially with the advance of technology.

  • grow exponentially指数地增长。有没有看着这个词很眼熟啊?原来经常出现在小作文当中,用在大作文里面也是杠杠的。


  • 首先我们来看mass media包含了哪些,我们爷爷奶奶的时候用电报,我们爹妈的时候用电视,我们这会儿就用电脑了。完美,直接暴露了小编的年龄。

First there was the telegraph and the post offices, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet and the new media including palmtops, cell phones etc. There are positive and negative influences of mass media, which we must understand as a responsible person of a society.

  • 讲mass media对社会的影响之前,有必要来解释一下它的三个基本功能:provide information/ entertainment/ education.大家可以好好学习一下本段,句间逻辑缜密,连接词的灵活运用,一看就是PTE满分段落。

Before discussing the influence of mass media on society it is imperative to(有必要的) explain the three basic functions of mass media; they are providing news/information, entertainment and education. // The first and foremost function of the media in a society is to provide news and information to the masses, that is why the present era is some time termed as the information age as well. People need news/information for various reasons, on one hand it can be used to socialize and on the other to make decisions and formulate opinions. // Entertainment would be the other function of the mass media where it is mostly used by the masses to amuse them in present day hectic (=busy) environment. // Educating the masses about their rights, moral, social and religious obligations is another important function of mass media, which needs no emphasis.

  • 下面来讲讲Mass media对社会生活各方面息息相关。

In present era of globalization, majority of people in the society depends on information and communication to remain connected with the world and do their daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, socialization, travelling and anything else that they have to do.

  • 具体举例展开描述,mass media怎样影响一个人的生活,雅思写作中不需要展开那么一大段话,但PTE写作可以借鉴,精简写成example。

A common urban person usually wakes up in the morning checks the TV news or newspaper, goes to work, makes a few phone calls, eats with their family or peers when possible and makes his decisions based on the information that he has either from their co workers, TV news, friends, family, financial reports, etc. we need to be conscious of the reality that most of our decisions, beliefs and values are based on what we know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience. In our work we usually know what we have to do, based on our experience and studies, however on our routine life and house hold chores we mostly rely on the mass media to get the current news and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of.

  • 现在各大商家大打广告战,广告战对年轻人有哪些正面和负面的影响呢?正面影响:举例quiz show;负面影响:暴力

There are some positive and negative influences in young people of our society due to ad campaigns in the media. Here is a positive influence example, if there is a quiz show on education that is getting a lot of attention by the media and gains popularity among youngsters, they will more likely want to actively participate and watch these quiz shows. These activities are good for the society and will promote literary activities in the youth. However, a negative influence in teenagers is the use of guns and ammunition by celebrity movie stars, the constant exposure of which would seduce the teenagers to replicate the same behavior in the real life.

  • ammunition:Ammunition is bullets and rocks that are made to be fired from guns.军火;弹药
  • seduce:Clever advertising would seduce more people into smoking. 唆使,怂恿
  • replicate:(=duplicate) 复制
  • 媒体对社会还有什么影响呢?现在美国大选正当时,媒体在其中发挥了多大的作用?

The media has a huge impact on society in shaping the public opinion of the masses. It can form or modify the public opinion in different ways depending on what the objective is. For example, one way to influence is with polls and trends, especially in political campaigns. The candidates that can pay for more TV and media exposure have more influence on public opinion and thus can receive more votes.

好了,小编为大家搜集了这么多mass media对社会影响的素材,大家再也不用担心考到同类话题时词穷了,收好,不谢哦!^_^




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