
Famous brands are gaining ever-increasing recognition from the public, especially for those immature fanboys. While those brands are blamed for self-abasement and blindness in shopping, they may benefit both individuals and businesses as well.


The pursuit of famous brands among general public may bring benevolent competition to industries. If everyone is crazy about brands, then those companies which do not offer so famous products, may be forced to focus on the quality of the products or the service they provide. In order to prosper, they may try to build their reputation by providing impeccable commodities. By doing so, it is the general public who will eventually benefit. They will be faced with abundant choices and have their peace of mind when shopping.


However, the negative effects of irrational pursuit of name brands cannot afford to be ignored. Some people, especially those young fanboys, may compare themselves with their peers inappropriately. If they cannot afford the famous brands which their mates can, they, invariably, will experience self-abasement and some of them even do something really fanatic. For example, some teenagers in China are reported to trade their kidneys for the shiny sleek iphone.


There is also a tendency that we may lose sight of the inner personality and capability when we are after those fancy superficial name brands. We are not we wear or what name brands we use, instead, it is our aptitude and character inside which dictates who we are. If everyone is chasing after the skin-deep name brand, many people, especially those adolescents and teenagers, may neglect their inner characters.


While the pursuit of famous brands offers positive emulation among businesses, it could potentially breeds irrational decisions and inappropriate comparison with others. My opinion is that it should be left to individuals to decide whether he or she should pursue those brands.

越来越多的人追求名牌,好还是不好? 2013年11月30日雅思A类大作文范文




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