
终于把哈利波特1又重新看了一遍,年龄大了,和以前看就是不一样。现在感觉孩子牛逼主要是要靠父母牛逼才行。。。我记笔记然后无意中发现哈利波特和我记得笔记竟然是一样的, 所以你想看哈利波特如何及笔记,看看墨尔本文波雅思的笔记就行了:




trust sb with …. 信任某人什么东西

leave sb with … 让某人拥有…


pumpkins 爱称,小南瓜

bred in captivatity  在囚禁在长大

thank you —- anytime  客气

How did you get in there? 你怎么来的啊?

There is no such thing as magic 根本没有魔法这种事

Letterbox  邮箱

right you are  你对的

no blasted letters  没有该死的信

dry up  干枯

keeper of keys  看钥匙的人

wizard  巫师

train up  培训

put a stop to..  停止

abnormal  不正常

get landed up with 结果却…

non-magic  没有魔法

a little bit behind schedule 稍微有一点落后

toad  蟾蜍

cauldron 大锅

on official business 我忙点公务

fearfully attractive class  令人恐惧但又吸引人的课堂

there is no safer place  没有跟安全的地方了

goblins  小精灵

make a withdrawl 取钱

I shouldn’t have said that 我本不该说那些的

restricted area 限制的

use it well 你好好用

Your dad left it in my possession 你爸爸把它留给我了

cloak 斗篷

invisiblity cloak 具有隐藏能力的斗篷

fiend 恶魔

show yourself 现身

the most desperate desires of you  你最渴望的欲望

we live in a colony  我们住在一起

pull yourself together  振作起来

werewolvs 狼人

head me off

I’ve lost my liking for them 我不太喜欢他们了

fang 獠牙

earwax  耳屎

Can you think of one? 你能想起来么?

You-know-who 你知道的那个人

as long as he is around 只要他在

You are up to something  你在打什么主意吧

get yourself out  逃命

harp 竖琴

herbology 中草药学

wizard’s chess  巫师西洋棋

You really are  你真的是

stuttering  口吃的

Elixir   长生药

admirer  崇拜者

vault  金库

Do you really think your dad leave you with nothing? 你真的以为你爸什么都没有给你留下么?

stand back  退下

won’t be long  我很快回来

wand  魔杖

give it a wave  摇一摇

end up dead  死了

stick to your ticket 拿好你的票


wicked 太炫了

I’m all set  我准备好了

rotten luck走运

You can’t …. can you? 你不行,对吧?

spell  魔咒

you’ve got dirt on your nose 你鼻子上有灰

first-years  第一年的学生们

rule-breaking  n.违规

momentarily   adj.暂时地

hand-me-down robes  祖传的袍子

care-taker  照顾者

die a most painful death 死的很惨

mental, that one, I told you 我很你说过,她很神经

a thirst to prove himself  一种证明自己的渴望

let the feast begin 开始吃饭吧

bloody baron  血腥的男爵

headless  没有头的

keep up  please  跟上

gather round here  在这聚集

All your belongings have been brought up  你们的个人物品

ensnare the senses  让你的感官被困住

put a stopper in death  阻止死亡

Fame isn’t everything  名气没有什么

get hold of your  抓住你

on my whistle, one, two  听我口哨

broken wrist  折了的手腕

Couldd I borrow Wood? 我

seeker 捕球手

make a fool of you  出洋相

It’s in your blood 在你的血液里

spooky 吓人的

hide through that door 藏在门后面

expelled 被排除在外

sort out her priorities 整理出先后

buggers  讨厌的人

levitation  n. 漂浮

swish and flick  摇, 然后轻击

off you go 你可以走了

dungeon   地牢

just knocked out  就是被打晕了

boogers 鼻涕

be that as it may be 就算那样

live to tell the tale  能活着去讲这个故事

sheer dumb luck  就是走运而已

broomstick 笤帚棍

jinx   给(某人[某事])带来厄运: I’ve been jinxed! 我一直走背运

(infml 口) (person or thing that is thought to bring) bad luck (to sb/sth); curse 厄运; 不祥的人或事物; 祸根: There’s a jinx on/Someone’s put a jinx on this car: it’s always giving me trouble. 这辆汽车上有什麽妨人的东西, 总给我找麻烦.














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