

解密    declassify

把她蒙在鼓里不好  keeping her in dark won’t end well.

总结…finish up

你好,医生hi, doc

专心点  keep it together

高段的 loftier   lofty sentiments 高尚的情操. 傲慢的: in a lofty manner 态度傲慢. 极高的: a lofty mountain 高山 * lofty halls 高大的厅堂

方尖碑 obelisk

不要执勤了stand down

这么多在危险中 so much is at stake

终结  close off

Raina 耍了你 Raina played you

引发了我内心的东西 trigger sth in me

铺位  bunk

让你紧张  rattle you   (infml 口) make (sb) nervous; frighten or alarm 使(某人)紧张; 使恐惧; 使惊慌: The policeman’s visit really got her rattled. 警察来访可把她吓了一跳.

内奸 mole

向谁献殷勤  hit on sb

不在我手里 out of my hands

串通 collude

她显示了我的好意 It is a gesture of good will

那真实出其不意  That was a curve ball

渗透 infiltrate

你去哪了?where did you go?

一瞥 a glimplse

今天太多事了 one hell of a day

集体拥抱 group-hug type

预言者   diviner 

实际上  in truth

Shield 再也不愿意隐藏了 shield is done hiding

这件事缓缓再处理                 put/leave sth on the back burner                                                     informal  to delay doing something until a later time
The government quietly put the scheme on the back burner.

我快速问下 quick question

把shield 打垮   put shield in ground

追捕迫害  witch-hunt                           an attempt to find and punish people in a society or organization whose opinions are regarded as wrong or dangerous – used to show disapproval
                                                                                             anti-Communist witch-hunts

地狱怪兽  hell beast

我担保了你    I  vouched you

我的选择还是开放的    keep my options open

你看看May怎样了   check on May

He has an angle

继续原来的计划  stay on mission

特长: forte     Mathematics was never my forte. 数学一向非我所长.

不要死在这里  Don’t die out there

心胸狭窄的   petty

碎片炸弹  splinter bomb     splinter  带尖儿的小碎片: I’ve got a splinter in my finger. 我手指扎了根刺.

很多  a leap of

死了飘在水上  be dead in the water

推后的,本该早完成的文件 backlogged file

放弃我 give up on me

解释情况,让大家舒服相处  clear the air

在我的地下室 in my basement

理想化这段感情 idealise the relationship

暴露他的内心 bare his soul

破坏了他的谎言  unravel his lies

撕坏  tore up

他崩溃了 He cracked

人脉   connections

我有人脉啊  I am resourceful

你们看到了同样的角度  You saw the same angles

她在路上了 She is en route

闷闷不乐的   dour   :                      dour looks 抑郁的表情 * a dour silence 阴森森的寂静

高贵的人  Dignitaries

人类很复杂  Humans are complex creatures

不要退缩 Don’t give him an inch

遵守诺言  keep my promise

The pain helps me to remember.








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