
1月10日雅思考试过后,大部分一月口语新题已经浮出水面,而且之前不太完整的口语第三部分问题也整理完毕第二部分共23道新题,1月29日和1月31日考试的同学要细心重点准备。 之前的旧题也没有彻底撤出考试范围,旧题论换题见文章最后链接,希望大家细心准备!

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1. Describe a teacher that you liked 2. Describe a company you would like to join3. Describe a city that you have been to and that you did not want to leave


1.P2 Describe a place full of colors

Where it is

What you did in the place

Why you went there

Why you think this place was made so colorful



What colors are the least popular in your country?

What are the common colors and uncommon colors?

How do colors influence people’s mood?

What colors do people choose for their house? Why?

Do you choose color when buying things?

Why do people dislike some color?

Do males and females have different preference of colors?

Why do people choose less bright color for business occasions?


2.Part 2 Describe a person you know who is good at cooking.

Who the person is

What is your relationship  with the person

What kind of food the person cooks

Why the person is good at cooking



Nowadays do people eat at home or at a restaurant? Why?

Do you think in the future people won’t eat at home?

Where do people like to eat in China today?

Eat at home or go outside, compare them.

What food do people like to cook?

Do you think schools should teach students how to cook?


3.P2 describe a song that you listened to when you were a child and still remember

What the song is about

When you first listened to it

Why you still remember it

And explain how you feel when you hear this song



Do people’s taste of music change as they grow older?

What are the differences of music people listen to between people in different ages?

Some people think that playing loud music in public places is annoying, what do you think?

What can you get from listening to music?

In what situations do people have concert?


4.P2 Describe an unusual building that you visited

What the building is used for

Where the building is

What it looks like

Why you think it is unusual



Some people think buildings are all the same nowadays, what do you think?

Why do you think people like old buildings?

Do you think young people prefer modern buildings to old buildings?

Do you prefer tall buildings or short buildings?


5.P2 Describe an ambition you haven’t achieved yet

What it is

When you first had it

Why you had this ambition

And explain why you haven‘t achieved it



Is it good for children to have ambitions?

What are children’s ambitions?

Do you think parents should teach children to have an ambition?

What’s the importance of having ambition?

What is the importance of feeling ambitious towards your work?


6. P2 Describe a subject that you did not like before but you like it now

You should say:

What the subject was

When you studied the subject

Why you did not like it before

And explain why you like it now



Are teachers important in students’ learning?

Does interest play an important role in learning?

How to learn English in a fun way?

Do you know a more interesting way of learning a language?

Do you think students should spend a lot of time studying one subject or equally spend time on all subjects?


7. Describe a piece of good news that you got from TV or a website or a friend

What the news was about

Where you got it

When you got it

Why you think it was a good piece of news


What are the advantages and disadvantages of social network?

Do you think libraries will be replaced in the future?

How much time do you spend browsing the website?

Do you think children should start watching news from a young age?


8.P2 Describe a person you dislike but you still need to treat that person friendly

Who the person is

Why you dislike him or her

Why you have to be friendly to

P3 What are the differences between being friendly and being polite?(这道变态的题又出现了)


9.P2 Describe an important toy in your childhood.

What it was

Who gave it to you

How often you played with it

And explain why you think it was important to you



Are there any new toys today that did not exist when you were a child?

What do you think of the toy you just mentioned?

Do you think computer games are good for children?

What do you think parents should do to protect children from being addicted to games?


10.P2 Describe happy family event when you were a child that you remember well

What it was

When and where it took place

How often it took place

What you did in the event



Describe a typical family in your country.

What is the role of a mother or father in your family?

What do children think of family events?

Should we treat boys and girls in the same way?

Do you think teenagers should do part-time jobs to support the family?


11. Describe a friend who you think is a good leader

Who the friend is

How you first met

What the person does

Why you think the person is a good leader



How do good leaders act?

Who is more likely to be a leader, male or female?

Nowadays females are earning more salary. Do you think this means there will be more female leaders?

Can good leaders be trained?

Do you think everyone can be leaders?


12. Describe a situation when you lost your way

When it happened

Where you got lost

How you felt when you lost your way

How you found the way



Why do some people got lost easily but others don’t?

Is digital map important?

Do you think maps are useful nowadays?

Do people rely on map very much?

Why do people like to travel to new places?

What kind of problems will people have while travelling?


13. Describe a situation when you were surprised and happy.

What is the surprise

When and where it happened

Who gave you the surprise

And  explain how you felt about it



How do people in your country show their happiness?

Do people in your country like surprises?

Can people learn how to be happy?

How do people in your country express their happiness?


14. Describe a journey that you want to recommend to others/you want to make again.

      类似旧题 a long journey

You should say

Where you went to

Who you went with

What you did during the trip

And explain why you want to recommend to others/make the journey again



Do you like to have a long journey?

What do you do before you start your journey?

Compare long-distance travel with traveling short distances.

Do you prefer to travel with friends or travel alone?

Do you like to visit a place you have already been to?


15. Describe a family member who you want to work with.

Who the person is

What kind of person he or she is

Whether you worked with him or her before

Why you want to work with him or her



What is the most common family business in your country?

What are the benefits of working in a large company?

Why do you think people should not stay in the same company for too long?


16. Describe something interesting you learned from Internet.

When you learned it

On what website you learned it

What you learned

How you find it is interesting



How does the Internet change our life?

Do you think that the Internet boost economy?

What do you think would happen if the Internet couldn’t work in your country?

Will library disappear in the future?


17. Describe a situation where your friend told you an incomplete truth. 

Who the friend was

What the situation was

Why your friend did it

And explain how you felt when you found out the whole truth



What are the effects of lies?

In what occasions do white lies happen?

Does lying help people feel less embarrassed?

Do you want an incomplete truth?

Should husband and wife lie to each other?

Do you think lying is a sin?


18. Describe a vehicle that you want to buy(注意vehicle的定义,bicycle不是vehicle

What kind of vehicle it is

What features it has

Why you want to buy it

And explain why you would prefer this means of transport



Different kinds of vehicle

What do you think future vehicles will be like?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?

Do you think that governments should control the number of private cars that are on the roads?


19. Describe a film that you want to watch again

You should say

What it was

Where you watched this film

Why you chose to watch this film again

And explain how you feel about the film



What kinds of films are most popular in your country?

What kinds of films do young people like to watch?

Do you think films have much influence on young people?

Do you think it’s necessary for film-makers to spend a lot of money to produce a successful film?

Do people of different age group watch different kinds of movies?


20. Describe something you really want to buy in the future

类似旧题Something special that you saved money to buy.

You should say

What it is

How long have you been dreaming about it

When and where you will buy it

Why you want to buy it



Where do young people in your country like to go shopping?

How has the way people buy things changed over the years?

What kind of advertisement is the most effective?

Compare online shopping  with buying things in store?


21. Describe an exciting sport you know

What the sport is

How you know about it

Whether it is difficult

And explain why you think it is exciting


Part 3

How do you think of extreme sports?

Should governments ban dangerous sports for young people? Why or why not?

What kind of sport do people in your country do?

What’s the difference between professional athletes and amateur athletes?


22. Describe an interesting website you have visited

What the website is about

How you found it

How often you visit it

And explain why you think it is interesting



What useful things have you learned from the internet so far?

Why do young people prefer the internet to books when they want to learn things?

Would online libraries replace real libraries?

How do you think of websites like Facebook?


23. Describe a historical city you visited

Where it was

When you visited it

What you did there

And explain how you felt about this place



Do you think museums should be charged admission fees?

Are people in your country interested in historical museums?

What do people like to do when they visit historical cities?

Do you think films help people develop more interest in history?



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