墨尔本文波雅思外教视频示范如何回答大家最头疼的问题:an incomplete truth。很多同学向我反映这道题不知道说什么好。现在放出参考答案。
Describe a situation where your friend told you an incomplete truth. (2015年新题)
Who the friend was
What the situation was
Why your friend did it
And explain how you felt when you found out the whole truth
My friend Jessica recently was telling me that she was with a mutual friend of ours. And she said that a story had come up that somebody was talking about me and I wasn’t there
very quickly change the subject
she told me an incomplete truth because I kept pushing
what was said about me
oh, nothing, it’s just a silly story
nasty, unfriendly things about me
she had accidentally said
she didn’t mean to
she let it slip
so since she had done it, there’s no way back
retrieve it
negative comments about me
What are the effects of lies?
In what occasions do white lies happen?
Does lying help people feel less embarrassed?
Do you want an incomplete truth?
Should husband and wife lie to each other?
Do you think lying is a sin?