


spotless 一尘不染的

chop-chop, there’s no time to waste. 快点快点,没时间了

under-dressed 穿的不够正式

dust bursting 到处都是灰

threads—–clothes 线头代指衣服

surrogate father 干爹


mingle with someone 和某人一起混

money-grabbing leeches

loaded—-wealthy 有钱的

not in the slightest 一点也不

snoop around 偷窥

plain and simple 直观简单

no joy rides 别开车玩

bunk for someone 床铺

take a bullet 中枪

studs-up 加固

coaster 杯垫

news gets out 消息传出去

the ministry 当局

iron out kinks 磨平棱角

eliminate variables 消除变量

lingo 行话

I am reminiscing 我正在怀旧

Calvary 骑士

bolted 闩上的

pieces solving a puzzle 众人拾柴火焰高

descend on 降落

hand-picked team 亲手挑选的队伍

mid-life crisis 中年危机

time is not on your side 你的时间不多了

slingshot 弹弓

anomaly 异常的东西

fish tank 鱼缸

check on someone 查看某人

way over my head 理解不了


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