
2015年5月雅思口语高频考题:a paid job you did,做过的一份有偿的工作,看似不难,越是简单的题目越不好回答,特别是如果没有什么工作经验的同学想要回答好也是不容易的。今天墨尔本文波雅思给大家分享口语新题视频连载答案12,大家多多练习!外教老师给大家的参考答案是在游泳馆里做游泳教练,教小朋友如何游泳。各种游泳的姿势的说法你都会吗?雅思口语回答问题时,万一卡壳,最好的方法就是举例子!但是这个很考验词汇量的哦,扩大你的词汇量是很必要的。


Describe a paid job you ever did

what job it was;

when and where you or this person did the job;

how long the job lasted;

and explain why you or this person chose to do this job.

Sample answer

One paid job that I am still currently doing is that I’m still currently a swimming teacher.

Each week I have four shifts at my swimming center, my local swimming pool

I teach children from ages around 3 to 10

introductory swimming skill

all advanced strokes as well, such as free style(自由泳) and butterfly 蝶泳

I’ve had this job for the last 6 years

I love the people who I work with


my boss is really understanding and approachable

It was always very different, never boring

active job, not just sitting behind a desk or a computer

看了外教的答案,你会发现,native Speaker 说话的时候,喜欢解释说明。当她提到一个新的名称的时候,总会用一个定语从句解释,比如上一行的active job,外教随后用了一个句子来解释。这才是native speaker 说话的方式。

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