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Nowadays people can use computers to talk, learn and communicate without leaving ­­­home. There is a danger that it will cause more isolation and a lack of communication among people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Never in history were computers so emphasised as in this century. While computers bring about numerous benefits to us, they also pose a potential threat that individuals will become increasingly isolated from each other.


Indeed, the increasing use of computers will in some way lead to more isolation. Many youngsters become so addicted to computer games that they lose sight of everything around them, and even their parents are no exception. More often than not, the virtual world for them is more stimulating, or even more real than the real world. A recent study conducted by American Statistics Bureau reveals that about 75% of teenagers in America are more likely to be immersed into their cyber world rather than communicating and interacting with others.


However, a further analysis proves that computers will not impede communication and on the contrary, they will promote exchange of ideas in more ways than one. Those maintaining that online games will trigger alienation among people neglect the fact that even when playing games, teenagers are communicating with other players or even the designers as well. When they find some bugs or programs which are not satisfactory, they will complain or report these problems to the companies, which is also a way of communication. Moreover, there are a multitude of software or apps in computers which have facilitated our communication with others. MSN, Skype, Facebook, for example, have made it possible for us to broaden our networking and enhance our communication with others.


In the final analysis, despite the fact that computers in some ways do contribute to alienation among people, they, in a very real sense, have greatly facilitated and boosted our communication with other people.


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