
2014年2月22日的雅思写作大作文考题,政府为教育买单,是利大于弊,还是弊大于利?墨尔本文波雅思 为大家奉上7分雅思写作范文,附上讲解与点评,与昨天的考题非常类似,烤鸭们感受一下,7分的文章是怎样的,争取下次你也可以写出7分+的文章!

The government should pay for people’s health care and education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Band 7.5


Health care and education are basic human rights and needs.(第一句话摒弃模板,用自己的表达描述题目背景。) Some people think that the government should pay for citizen’s health care and education. I partly agree with this view. (改写题目,说出自己的观点,开头不超过三句话。)


There are three main reasons why the government should pay for citizens’ medical and educational costs. (主题句简明扼要。)Firstly, a large proportion of government revenue comes from the taxes paid by citizens. The government should reward taxpayers with health care and education. Secondly, international competition in economic and technological fields is fierce today. The educational and health levels of citizens are important factors influencing the competitiveness of a country’s workforce. By providing citizens with education and health care, the government helps to promote economic and technological development and increase the competitiveness of the workforce in the global economy. Thirdly, there are people who cannot afford basic health care or education in almost every country. If the government did not pay for their basic healthcare or educational needs, they would feel that they are treated unfairly by the government, which would be a source of social unrest. (第一,第二,第三,条理清晰。)


However(两方观点都要讨论,fully address 题目​), the government only has limited financial resources. If it spends too much money on health care and education, other important fields such as scientific research, infrastructure development and the pension system may be under-funded and underdeveloped. It is the responsibility of the government to keep a reasonable balance between the educational and healthcare needs of citizens and other financial needs that are also essential to economic growth and social development.


Overall,(最后一段总结自己的观点。) I believe that the government should provide health care and education to citizens who cannot afford them. At the same time, it should encourage businesses to provide health insurance to their employees, and fund public schools with the property tax that local residents pay. These measures can help the government to keep its budget balanced and achieve more sustainable economic growth.





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