
2015年2月7日雅思A类大作文考到之前的原题,museum更吸引tourist than local people,原因及解决。这个题在墨尔本文波雅思实体班上讲过。今天我们就和墨尔本以及国内内的烤鸭们一起分析下这道题:

题目:Museums and historical sites attract more tourists than local people, why and solution.

1. 审题:注意是博物馆等吸引了更多的游客而不是本地人,不是比以前更吸引游客了。主页君第一反应以为是比以前更吸引游客呢

2. local people-local dwellers/local residents   histroical sites-可以举例:Old Melbourne Gaol; Port Authur


Reasons:  1. Local residents have been familiar with their own history, culture. For example: Sovereigh Hill/Ballarat/Old Melbourne Gaol; Port Authur

2. It is part of human nature to prefer sth that belongs to others and museums and historical sites are no exception. As the saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt. In the eyes of a servant, his master or lord, however great they are, is no more than a ordinary or even mediocre guy.


Solutions: 1. Schools can organise some trips to the historical sites and build their sense of identity. They may know who they are, where they are from and where they are going.

2. The duty also falls on their parents, who can show their children around some museums.




Computer: convenient/environmentally-friendly/ easily distracted



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