



Describe a friend who you think is a good leader

Who the friend is

How you first met

What the person does

Why you think the person is a good leader


The person who I’ve chosen, most people would think it’s not  a  friend, but I think she is a very good friend to me is my mother.

behave themselves

She did most of the child-rearing

have a lot of command and control over their personalities, their behavior, all the different aspects of their life

does a lot of volunteer work in the local community

be awarded government medal for bravery and leadership in the community

for me in my lift the best example of leadership and friendship is always going to be my mother



How do good leaders act?

I think good leaders act in a way isn’t preachy. They don’t tell you what to do but show you have to act

Real leaders will do things that make you want to behave like that.

inspire you to act in the same way

Who is more likely to be a leader, male or female?

I think it depends on the person, both male and female have the propensity to lead

It just depends on whether they want or not, or if they have strong character

gain position of power

earn respect

Nowadays females are earning more salary. Do you think this means there will be more female leaders?

Can good leaders be trained?

Do you think everyone can be leaders?

No, I think some people just don’t want to be leaders. They would rather be  led.



have  a strong personality




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