

the skin of a killer   杀手的表皮

predator  :animal that kills and eats other animals 捕食其他动物的动物; 食肉动物: predators of the African grasslands 非洲草原的食肉动物.

outrun: 跑的比我快

I was unconditionally, irrevocably in love with him. 我无条件的,无悔的爱着她

venom 毒液

frenzy  n.疯狂

complication  n.  复杂的事情  pl.complications  并发症

coffins   棺材

dungeons   地牢

moats :护城河 deep wide ditch filled with water, dug round a castle, etc as a defence

implicate: 涉及到  To involve or connect intimately or incriminatingly: evidence that implicates others in the plot.

end badly   没有好下场

graduation caps 毕业帽

I matriculate a lot   我上了很多大学

as healthy as a horse   健康的像一匹马

Your friends are flagging you  你的朋友再和你挥舞旗子

Forks is growing on me   我渐渐喜欢上了Forks

How did you get in here?  你怎么进来的?

I like watching you sleep 我喜欢看你睡觉

stay still   静静的躺着

bring him in 把他带进来

pepper spray  防身用的胡椒粉

American Pastime 美国式的娱乐

monkey man 身手矫健的人

You can sleep on it    你睡觉的时候好好想想

I just got you back 我支持你

let your phone die 让你的手机没电了

mark the tree    给这个树留标记

vibrating  震动

If you bring anyone along 如果你带人来的话

visually dynamic  视觉上有动感




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