雅思写作口语9分地道表达:Almost Human系列连载05

Almost Human 这部美剧还是不错的。墨尔本文波雅思坚持看了很多集了,今天继续给烤鸭们总结最地道的雅思口语写作词汇


invalidate the ticket  让这个票作废

top of the line  业内最优

ride with us  和我一起吧

tooth extraction  拔牙

morose on the inside and grumpy on the outside  内心不满,外表暴躁易怒

did my time   我活的差不多了

outdated   过时的

void the warranty  让我的保修无效

fail-safe 不会出错的

refurbish   v [Tn] make (sth) clean or bright again; redecorate 将(某物)弄乾净; 使(某物)恢复光亮; 重新装饰: The flat will be refurbished for the new tenants. 这套房间将重新粉刷以接纳新房客.

come by  顺便经过

clockwork  :  mechanism with wheels and springs, like that of a clock (有似时钟的齿轮和发条的)机械: [attrib 作定语] a clockwork toy, ie one driven by clockwork 机械玩具 * with clockwork (ie absolute) precision 极精确 * as regular as clockwork, ie very punctual 总是非常准时.
(idm 习语) like `clockwork with perfect regularity and precision; smoothly 极有规律性和准确性地; 顺利地; 精确地: The operation went like clockwork. 手术进行得极为顺利.

truthfully   真实的

courier  n.信使

I’ll be there shortly  我马上就到

make that right  把它搞好

break the chain  打破这个循环

at your fingertips  在你的手边

I have all the time in the world 我有的是时间!an unlimited amount of time :She made me feel as if she had all the time in the world for me, even though she’s very busy.

a standoff=stalemate   a situation in which neither side in a fight or battle can gain an advantage



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