
2015年4月25日雅思回忆直播,尽在墨尔本文波雅思!墨尔本文波雅思将在4月25日通过微博微信即时直播雅思考试:微博@墨尔本文波雅思 个人微信朋友圈直播:wenbo_tv,全球最早雅思回忆,适用于澳洲及中国大陆地区!下一次直播在4月30日(IDP加试),北京时间10:30开始,尽请期待!






Describe a song that you listened to when you were a child and still remember2015年新题)

What the song is about

When you first listened to it

Why you still remember it

And explain how you feel when you hear this song



Do people’s taste of music change as they grow older?

What are the differences of music people listen to between people in different ages?

Some people think that playing loud music in public places is annoying, what do you think?

What can you get from listening to music?

In what situations do people have concert?


Describe an ambition you haven’t achieved yet 2015年新题)

What it is

When you first had it

Why you had this ambition

And explain why you haven‘t achieved it



Is it good for children to have ambitions?

What are children’s ambitions?

Do you think parents should teach children to have an ambition?

What’s the importance of having ambition?

What is the importance of feeling ambitious towards your work?


Describe a situation when you lost your way 2015年新题)

When it happened

Where you got lost

How you felt when you lost your way

How you found the way



Why do some people got lost easily but others don’t?

Is digital map important?

Do you think maps are useful nowadays?

Do people rely on map very much?

Why do people like to travel to new places?

What kind of problems will people have while travelling?


Describe a situation when you were surprised and happy. 2015年新题)

What the surprise is

When and where it happened

Who gave you the surprise

And  explain how you felt about it



How do people in your country show their happiness?

Do people in your country like surprises?

Can people learn how to be happy?

How do people in your country express their happiness?


Describe a journey that you want to recommend to others/you want to make again. 2015年新题)

Where you went to

Who you went with

What you did during the trip

And explain why you want to recommend to others/make the journey again



Do you like to have a long journey?

What do you do before you start your journey?

Compare long-distance travel with travelling short distances.

Do you prefer to travel with friends or travel alone?

Do you like to visit a place you have already been to?



Describe a good service that a company or shop offers (高频)

What service you can get

Why you think it is good



What jobs require staff to get in touch with many people?

What qualities do the staff need? Why?

How does a company train the staff?

Do you think products with good service should be charged more?



A project/ homework you did in your study(高频)

What topic it is about

When and where you did it

What preparation you did

What you learned from it



Why do some parents tutor their children themselves instead of sending them to school?

What benefits can homework bring?

Why do you think Chinese students have more homework?

How much homework do you think is too much?

How can teachers reduce their pressure?

What kind of homework do you think students should do?

How do you think modern science and technology has influenced education?


Describe a subject that you did not like before but you like it now2015年新题)

What the subject was

When you studied the subject

Why you did not like it before

And explain why you like it now



Are teachers important in students’ learning?

Does interest play an important role in learning?

How to learn English in a fun way?

Do you know a more interesting way of learning a language?

Do you think students should spend a lot of time studying one subject or equally spend time on all subjects?


Describe a piece of good news that you got from TV or a website or a friend2015年新题)

What the news was about

Where you got it

When you got it

Why you think it was a good piece of news



What are the advantages and disadvantages of social network?

Do you think libraries will be replaced in the future?

How much time do you spend browsing the website?

Do you think children should start watching news from a young age?


Describe an important toy in your childhood.2015年新题)

What it was

Who gave it to you

How often you played with it

And explain why you think it was important to you



Are there any new toys today that did not exist when you were a child?

What do you think of the toy you just mentioned?

Do you think computer games are good for children?

What do you think parents should do to protect children from being addicted to games?


Describe something interesting you learned from Internet. 2015年新题)

When you learned it

On what website you learned it

What you learned

How you find it is interesting



How does the Internet change our life?

Do you think that the Internet boost economy?

What do you think would happen if the Internet couldn’t work in your country?

Will library disappear in the future?


Describe a vehicle that you want to buy(注意vehicle的定义,bicycle不是vehicle

What kind of vehicle it is                                                                                    2015年新题)

What features it has

Why you want to buy it

And explain why you would prefer this means of transport



Different kinds of vehicle

What do you think future vehicles will be like?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?

Do you think that governments should control the number of private cars that are on the roads?


Describe a film that you want to watch again2015年新题)

What it was

Where you watched this film

Why you chose to watch this film again

And explain how you feel about the film



What kinds of films are most popular in your country?

What kinds of films do young people like to watch?

Do you think films have much influence on young people?

Do you think it’s necessary for film-makers to spend a lot of money to produce a successful film?

Do people of different age group watch different kinds of movies?


Describe something you really want to buy in the future2015年新题)

类似旧题Something special that you saved money to buy.

What it is

How long have you been dreaming about it

When and where you will buy it

Why you want to buy it



Where do young people in your country like to go shopping?

How has the way people buy things changed over the years?

What kind of advertisement is the most effective?

Compare online shopping  with buying things in store?


Describe an exciting sport you know2015年新题)

What the sport is

How you know about it

Whether it is difficult

And explain why you think it is exciting



How do you think of extreme sports?

Should governments ban dangerous sports for young people? Why or why not?

What kind of sport do people in your country do?

What’s the difference between professional athletes and amateur athletes?


Describe an interesting website you have visited2015年新题)

What the website is about

How you found it

How often you visit it

And explain why you think it is interesting



What useful things have you learnt from the internet so far?

Why do young people prefer the internet to books when they want to learn things?

Would online libraries replace real libraries?

How do you think of websites like Facebook?


A prize you won/you would like to win (高频)

What it is

How you know about it

How you can win it

What you feel about it



How do companies reward their employees?

In China, how teachers reward their students?

If parents push their children to win a prize, do you think it is good for children?


A thing you borrowed from friends or family(高频)

What it is

Whom you borrowed it from

Why you need to borrow it

P3 what do you do if someone borrowed from you but never returned it?

Why do people reluctantly lend things to others nowadays?

What kind of people like to borrow things from others?

Do people in the neighbourhood borrow things from each other? Why?

Why do people like to borrow things instead of buying things?


A popular APP on phones or tablets or computers that is useful(高频)

What it is

When you first use it

How you know about it

Why it is useful



Do you think technology can change our lives?

What are the drawbacks?

What can technology bring? Is it good or bad?

Where do you usually acquire knowledge from?

Do you think high technology is a waste of time?

How do you deal with the problem?

Is it more acceptable for youngsters than the elderly? Why?


A good habit from your friend that you want to learn (高频)

What the good habit is

Who the person is

Why you want to learn

How to develop it



How to help children avoid developing bad habits?

Do you think adults have bad habits?

What can they do to change the bad habits?

Why do people change their habits when grow older?

Do you think it is good to have a routine day?


Describe a thing that you did with a group of people(高频)

What it was

When you did it

Where you did it

And explain what you learned from it



In general, what are the differences between doing something in a group and alone?

Why do some parents want their children to become a member of a group?

Do you think it’s beneficial for children to take part in group activities?

What are the pros and cons of working in a team?



Describe one thing that is a waste of time(高频)

What it is

When you did it

How you did it

Why you think it’s wasting time



The ways you think can let people do not waste time.

Do you think people will follow their schedule?

Do you think having meals is important for celebration?


Homemade gift to your friends(高频)

What it is

How you made it

Why you made it

And what your friend think of it



What is the difference between homemade gifts and gifts bought from a store?

Are girls better at making gifts than boys?

What do people prefer, handmade or machine-made products? Why?

What kind of things will continue to be made by hand in the future?

What benefits of children learning how to make something by hand?

What gifts do people give each other in a business environment?


Describe a meal you invited others to your home or restaurant(高频)

Who you invited

Where and when you had the meal

Why you invite those people



Do people prefer to eat at home or eat in a restaurant?

Do you think it is important to have a healthy diet?

How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?

More and more people are becoming overweight nowadays. What do you think might be the cause of it?


An important job in your country

What it is

Who usually do the job

What you can get from it

And why it is important



At what age do people start to work full time?

What are the factors of getting a job?

What is the job market like? Does it vary in different places?

Should people look for job they like? Why?

What the working conditions are like in your country?

Have the working conditions gotten better these days?

Do people in your country change jobs frequently? Why or why not?


An activity you do that helps your health(高频)

What it is

When you do the activity

How much time you spend regularly

What benefits you can get



What should be taught in primary school about health?

What is the health policy in your country?

How should health information be spread?

What should government do to raise public awareness?

A magazine/book you like to read(高频)

What it is

When you first read it

Where you can buy it

Why you like to read it



Has the newspaper changed during these years?

Do you prefer to read newspaper or read on line?

Do you think newspaper will be replaced by the Internet?



2015年4月25日及30日雅思口语预测Part2+Part 3人

2015年4月25日及30日雅思口语预测Part2+Part 3物

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