
雅思写作一直以来是墨尔本烤鸭及中国烤鸭最痛苦的事情。写作中如何critical thinking,如何不漏痕迹,如何具体,更是目标雅思写作7分,四个7的烤鸭关注的问题。今天墨尔本文波雅思就给大家推荐分析一篇雅思好文,仔细诵读这篇文章,上面的问题都将得到解决:

In many parts of the world, there is now greater quality between working men and women. Nevertheless, women still tend to earn less and enjoy fewer promotions than men. Some would argue that this situation will correct itself over time. However, in my view, there is much that can be done to address the problem constructively. 导入,正反观点,我的观点—传统开头


One possible approach would be for governments to force employers to promote the same numbers of men and women and to pay them the same salaries. This would certainly tackle the problem quickly. However, measures like this would probably be seen as excessive and difficult to enforce.  —critical thinking—-平滑过渡到下一段


A more feasible approach would be for governments themselves to take the lead by ensuring that their male and female employees earn the same for equivalent work and that women are promoted fairly. This would help to establish gender equality as a norm and set a good example for companies in the private sector. Countries, such as Sweden and Iceland, which have done this are often regarded by others as socially-advanced models. 开头承接,不漏痕迹的过渡—论点论证论据—例子的运用


To further encourage equality, companies could be required to publish figures on the rank and average earnings of men and women in their workforce. Evidence of large inequalities would create a bad impression. In order to avoid bad publicity, companies might consider it worthwhile to pay fairer wages and promote more women to management positions. Fully extend—深入具体的论证


It is true that the problem of gender inequality in the workplace will probably not be solved quickly. However, that is not a reason to avoid taking action. Governments can encourage change by showing the way forward and taking advantage of the need for companies to present themselves as fair and reasonable.  最后一段–巧妙重申观点






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