雅思写作口语9分书籍推荐-The Happiest Refugee

雅思写作口语要想natural and sophisticaed, 读小说是我认为最便捷,最踏实的方式了。今天墨尔本文波雅思就给大家推荐一本回忆录:The Happiest Refugee. 相信你读了这个书后,雅思口语很多话题都有素材了,写作词汇也会地道很多。略举一例, 眼泪夺眶而出: The tears forced their way out.  Below is my review and recommendation:

Written by Anh Do, a vietnam-born Aussie,the book was the book of the year 2011. It tells a a story about how his family and himself took a boat and settled down in Australia, survived, and become a stand-up comedian.

Even though the book was titled “the happist refugee”, it turned out to be tear gas. I cried many times before eventually finishing reading it. It is a five-star book and a  must-read.

Whether you are living in confusion, despair, or gloom, this book is a cure-all.

Whether you are preparing for IELTS speaking or IELTS writing, this book is something you don’t want to miss.

Christmas gifts do not necessarily have to be a card, a designer luxury bag or digital gadget, a paper book can be equally valuable.

Plus, a movied named “Footy Legends” was produced by the writer, Anh Do.

The link is below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42BTUUIUBc0&feature=relmfu





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