

今天下午有了些许空闲,就看了一部2014年新片,RoboCop, 机械战警。情节个人感觉还是比较精彩,特效也不错。对于机器人,人性的讨论也比较深刻。结尾感觉如果是悲剧收场,更加会让人心痛。



You are dumb or dirty. 你们要不很傻要么就是很脏。

vet:   examine (sb’s past record, qualifications, etc) closely and critically 审查(某人过去的记录﹑ 资格等): All staff are vetted for links with extremist groups before being employed. 所有职员录用前均须审查是否与极端分子团体有关. * be positively vetted for a government post, ie be found to be trustworthy 已通过政府部门任职审查.

sway the public 影响民众

to that effect: 大体意思是说

used to express that what you are reporting is only a short and general form of what was really said:
She said she was unhappy, or words to that effect.
He said something to the effect that he would have to change jobs if the situation continued.

tuck: tuck your shirt in  把衣服褶进去

What is bigger than hero? a dead hero



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