
雅思口语中词汇方面如果能流利运用idiomatic words习语,分数一定可以上一个档次。加上雅思口语中 经常需要用到表达心情的词汇,今天,墨尔本文波雅思就为大家总结20个表示不同心情的习语,保证考官听后对你刮目相看。



Mary seems to be on cloud nine these days. (Extremely happy)

Everyone seemed to be in high spirits. (Lively, enjoying things)

She seem to be keeping her chin up. (Happy despite bad things.)

Jo’s as happy as the day is long. (Extremely content.)


He had a face as long as a fiddle. 脸拉的老长(Looked very sad and depressed)

She certainly looked down in the dumps. 心情沮丧(depressed)

Gerry is in a black mood. 心情不佳(A bad mood or temper.)

Martin was like a bear with a sore head. 脾气暴躁的(Extremely irritable)


I could eat a horse. 饿死了(Very hungry)

I’m feeling all in. 筋疲力尽(exhausted)

You’re looking a bit under the weather.不在状态(not very well)

She looked, and felt, on top from. (In good physical condition)

I suddenly felt as if my head was going round. 晕菜了(Dizzy)

I was almost at death’s door last week.在鬼门关走了一趟 (Very sick or ill)

Old Nora is as fit as a fiddle.身体倍棒( Very fit indeed.)


She was scared stiff. (Very scared)

She frightened the life out of him. 吓死他了(Frightened him a lot.)

We were all shaking in our shoes. 吓得发抖(Trembling with fear.)

The poor lad was scared out of his wits. 吓shi了(Very scared indeed.)

I jumped out of my skin when I heard the bang. 吓我一大跳(Gave a big jump.)


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