


She has a heart of gold. 金子般的心 Very kind, generous

He’s as good as gold. Generous, helpful, well-behaved used generally for children

She’s as hard as nails.心硬的像石头 No sympathy for others

He’s rather a cold fish. 冷漠的人Distant, unfriendly

He’s such an awkward customer. Difficult person to deal with

She’s a pain in the neck. Nobody likes her. 讨厌的人Nuisance, difficult

He gets on everyone’s nerve. 惹人生气Irritates everybody


She’s a bit of an odd-ball. ( very strange.)

He’s really over the top. (Very exaggerated in behaviour)

He’s gone round the bend, if you ask me. (Absolutely crazy)

My politics are very middle-of-the-road. (Very normal)


He’s a teacher’s pet. 他是老师的最喜欢的学生

He’s a real know-all. 他什么都知道

He’s a bit of a big-head.自大

Dan’s such a big-head, always reminding us what fantastic results he got in his exams.

He’s a lazy-bones.懒人 (注意bones是复数)


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