
墨尔本文波雅思外教视频示范如何回答一道大家都比较头疼的问题:描述一辆想买的车, 大家都会想到各种名车,但是车的各种功能其实很难描述,名车的特别之处更是难以驾驭,特别是对女生来说。老师给了我们一个特别好操作的答案,摩托车,在描述车的性能时用一句话带过,着重讲了摩托车在情感上给人的感觉,跳过了不擅长的mechanial features,快快来学习吧!



Describe a vehicle that you want to buy(注意vehicle的定义,bicycle不是vehicle

What kind of vehicle it is                                                                                    (2015年新题)

What features it has

Why you want to buy it

And explain why you would prefer this means of transport

A vehicle that I would like to buy is a motorcycle, preferably a Harley Davidson.

I don’t know any mechanical features it has, but I know the emotional features that it has for me.


feeling of freedom

a little bit of danger

exciting to ride a motorbike

cruise down the street

take off the helmet

something like a scene in a movie

drive up and  down the mountain

there is no restriction because if you drive a car, the road has to be this big

narrow road



up the hill, through the fence

motorbike riders



Different kinds of vehicle

What do you think future vehicles will be like?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?

Do you think that governments should control the number of private cars that are on the roads?






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