2015-2016雅思写作另类归纳分类总结 (二)


IELTS Writing 另类归纳分类总结 1.2

政府投资:科技航天航空 VS.教育,医疗,住房等民生领域


Space travel:a waste of money? Do you agree or disagree?


A criticism often heard these days is that money and resources spent on space projects tend to be wasted and contribute little to the social development of a country or a community. As a consequence, some people say the money would be better spent on more urgent projects such as education, health and the environment. I personally disagree with this point of view for two key reasons.

主体段,给出第一个原因,清楚的topic sentence是必须的,即太空探索给人类和社会带来许多好处。然后具体找出强有力的论据做支持,相辅相成。这段中需要留意所给的例子,中间有提到并列的几个对人类生活和发展很重要的科技及术语(terminology)。


Firstly, the money is well spent in this area because, broadly speaking, space exploration has indeed benefited society and its people in many ways. With the wide application of highly intelligent equipment and technologies induced by space research, modern people tend to live a more comfortable and convenient lifestyle. For example, improved modern technology, such as weather forecasting, environmental monitoring, navigation and cell phones, has brought the living standards of contemporary people to a much high level. This would be highly unlike to be achieved without taking advantage of the exploits of space. The space industry therefore, attracts more investment than simple social projects, because the practical benefits are so valuable to mankind.


What also makes space research a target for funding than other areas, all over the world, is the improved national profile of countries, led by huge progress made in this field. For instance, the probing of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, and the existence of all manner of space stations, satellites and probes have certainly helped established the USA as a superpower. Also, as soon as China launched its Shenzhou VII spaceship, it gained a great deal of recognition worldwide. This could in turn bring more potential benefits, such as a booming tourism industry, increased job opportunities and enormous investment from large companies or organizations.



In conclusion, space research development brings many technological and financial benefits, which make it an extremely worthwhile project for the human race. I therefore contend that the existing funding allocated to this scientific area should not be suspended.


Space exploration = space project, space research, space industry, area, programme, exploits of space.

People= human beings, mankind, contemporary people, individuals, individual people, humanity,

human race.


类似的文章里都可以提到各种科技的应用对人类生活质量的巨大影响,除范文里提到的,别的得益于太空发展的科技还包括:personal computers, freeze-dried food, heart pacemakers, weather and communication satellites.

这些科技所带来的潜在价值(potential value)除了国家形象( national profile),经济发展等还有许许多多。有待童鞋们的总结研究。










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