

-Could I ask you a question?


We can walk away from it, or we can be in and out.


pull the stunt 玩特技

sprain your elbow 扭了胳膊

a crybaby 哭哭啼啼的人

-How are you doing?


if things go sideways…如果有任何差错。。。

give me a heads-up 提前通知我一声

Let me walk you through it我大体给你讲讲情况

His clock ran out 他死了

I feel adrift, lost 我很迷茫

have an itch to scratch 痒

stew in 陷入

schedule romantic getaways 制定浪漫旅行

keep your nose clean 不卷入是非中

so full of yourself 自大

a little rough on you 对你有点苛刻

at his lowest 在他人生的最低谷

have an update on someone 有某人的最新消息

guilt-ridden 充满负罪感的

whining, complaining 抱怨的

yank you from the fire 救你出火坑

man up 有担当

binge on 畅饮

squander 挥霍


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