
Today we talk about a seemingly simple four-letter word: will. But do not be fooled. The word will is a strong noun and a powerful verb.

As a verb, will requires you to do something. If you say you will take action, you have promised to do it with no excuses — no ifs, ands or buts.

As a noun, will is the determination to do something, demonstrating a strength or firmness of purpose. Someone who has a strong will does not give up.

Americans often say someone who is determined has an iron will(钢铁般的意志). On the opposite side, someone who has lost their will (失去意志)has given up. It is a very serious situation when a person has lost their will to live. These people need lots of love and support.

Will can also be a person’s choice or desire to do something. For example, do you have the will to learn the English language? If you are reading this article, I hope your answer would be “yes, I do.”

But perhaps you are being forced to learn a foreign language. In this case, you can say you are studying against your will(违背了意愿). This will make learning much more difficult.

In a perfect world, you would think that all governments represent the will of the people. But sadly, some do not. They may reflect the will of the people with the most money, power or influence.

To do something at will (随心所欲做某事)means to do what you want, when you want. For example, a woman could say this about a former boyfriend. “He thought he could walk in and out of my life at will. The nerve!”(例如,女人可能会这样说前男友。“他认为他可以在我的生活中随意进出,扯淡!”)

As a noun, the word will can mean a legal document. In a will(遗嘱), a person states who should receive their possessions after he or she dies.

There is also a document called a living will(生前意愿). This is a written statement. It explains a person’s wishes concerning their medical treatment should they not be able to state this information themselves.

For example, a person may write in a living will that they do not wish to be kept alive with life support machinery. Such equipment can keep a person breathing and their heart beating even when they are unable to communicate.

The next word is willpower(毅力).

Willpower is the personal strength you have that enables you to do something difficult. Willpower is the ability to control oneself. For example, it takes great willpower to give up cigarettes.

To have willpower in life is important because life can be difficult.

It takes willpower to get into shape or lose weight.

But if you do find yourself in a difficult situation, do not give up. As they say, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” This saying means that having inner strength will help you overcome any problem life throws at you.

这篇文章讲解了will的各种搭配,墨尔本文波雅思PTE希望大家在屠鸭路上has an iron will。As they say, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”



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