
由于前妻Nicole Kidman和收养的儿女都是移民墨尔本的澳洲公民,Tom Cruise和澳洲也结下了不解之缘。这次文波雅思专门为大家带来阿汤哥与澳洲记者的专访,谈及了他的人生经历、追求、信仰以及对儿女家庭和对澳大利亚的感受等等,当然还有不少八卦和吐槽内容,精彩着实不容错过!


I wanted to be an actor at about 4 years old. Yea, 4 years old, I thought about it. That was the first time I thought of being an actor. I was living in San Louis. That was the very first time I thought about being an actor.



It just evolved(形容逐渐形成), I wasn’t necessarily thinking of this, you know, I mean I didn’t plan this out, it just happened.


I had an absolutely date to find this learning disabilities(学习障碍), dyslexia.(失语症)



That’s what they do, you got…you go what is the solution well there isn’t a solution and now today it’s take drugs. They actually wanted to put me on drugs. My mother wouldn’t let them back then. And then when someone, a friend of mine actually, gave me this picture book about suppression(压抑), you know, social and anti-social personalities(反社会性格), and I was like, ‘what is this?’, I know, this is scientology (科学教), I feel very interested. And that’s when I became a scientologist about 20 years ago.



“It’s obviously had a massive impact on you”

Significant, you know. I mean, you look at, you know, as a father, as an actor, as a business man, I mean, every level, something, these tools I apply absolutely every day.


People are interested in scientology and I find that people wanted to know, they wanna know about it. And it’s also…you know, there’s people out there that wanna help, and they need help.


“Do you feel discriminated against(歧视,排斥) when people say this is what scientologist is, that you’re a bunch of lunatic fringe(狂热者,疯子), whatever?”

Peter, no one has never said that to me.


“but no I mean that perception out there.”

Yea, but that’s not the perception out there. That is absolutely, maybe, from your perspective.



Not ever your own faith. I find that appalling (惊愕的,可怕的)when people who don’t know what they’re talking about say things like that. I thinks it’s appalling that they’re still burning … in France, I think it’s appalling how certain Muslims are being treated, I think it’s absolutely appalling when we talk about freedom of speech and human rights, and I think it’s appalling that they electric shock people, I think it’s appalling that they drug children, I think it’s appalling that they say that there are no solutions for those things, and I think it’s appalling that people have to live a life of drug addiction. I have personally helped people get off drugs.




I’ve got a great mother, and a very close family, and it’s something that…I always wanted to be a father, and I think that one of the great things we’ve done with our children, is allowing them to be themselves. Here’s the point. Everybody is different. I don’t buy into this whole thing of being normal. There’s no such thing as normal. When you really look at someone’s life, and you look into their life, everyone has a story. Everyone has something that is going on, that is very unique to them. So that with regards to our children, I think they feel very fortunate for the life they have, and they are really good people. I’m really proud of them.




“Of course the Cruise’s children are Australian citizens and spend much of their time here with their mother Nickle Kidman.”

“Now, Nicole, when you were married it was like you’re adopted part of Australia. Do you still have connection with Australia? ”

Yes, for my children. They’re in Australia, absolutely. I’ve a lot of friends in Australia. I love Australia.



“Was Nicole the love of your life?”

What do you mean? Listen, we raised children, I mean, how do you answer that question? You know, she’s someone… I’ve planned on getting married again, and having kids, absolutely.



“But Nicole was a major part of your life, and the love of your life at the time?”

I loved Nick very much, there’s no question.



“Would you like Nicole to remarry?”

Yes, I want Nicole to be happy. That’s what I want.



“And do you have a parenting relationship and talk professionally about each other as well?”

Why don’t we…listen…Here’s the thing, Peter, listen, you are stepping over the line now and you know you are.




“I suppose it’s a question that people want to know.”

Peter, you want to know. Take responsibility for what you wanna know, don’t say what other people (want), this is a conversation that I’m having with you right now, ok, so I’m just telling you right now, ok? Just put your manners back in.

put your manners in 习语,请你放尊重一点!


“Do you think I was out of lie?”

Yes, absolutely.

“Then I apologize for that sincerely.”



I wanted an adventurer’s life, my whole life. I want to know people. I want to understand what life is about. I really…I want to help people. It’s not something what I just say, it’s something that I would actively pursue(积极追求), and that’s how I feel. I feel privileged(特殊,有特权的), truly.





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