雅思口语9分-巨星访谈连载5-小鲜肉Taylor Lautner教你场景带入讲故事




“Taylor, in the future as people look back on the series, how do you hope they see this final chapter, think about this final chapter?”

Oh, I think all of us wanna to go out with a ‘bang’, and I think this movie will do that. It really…if there is any movie throughout the franchise that is a movie for everyone and has absolutely everything in it, it’s this one. And also I want the fans to feel like it wrapped up the whole franchise nicely.

go out with a bang 一鸣惊人

the franchise 指整个系列

wrapped up 结束;总结

注意用类似absolutely, nicely的副词让你的表达更生动


In the franchise, what’s one of your favourite moments for your character and what’s one of your favourite moments from this film?

One of my favourite moments is…we call it the ‘rain scene’ in the ‘New Moon’, it’s the first time that we have seen Jacob pose transformation, and he’s really torn up, and it’s the first time we see him like in a completely different light. And that was a special scene, and also in ‘Eclipse’ the ‘tent scene’ was one of my favourites as well, it was kind of the first time the three of us had been together and it’s a funny scene but also very intense at the same time, and this last one, I love the scene where Bella finds out that Jacob has imprinted on her daughter and she takes him into the backyard and throw some around ‘teach-us-a-move’s balls. That’s a hysterical thing.

pose transformation 变身

be torn up 被撕毁,形容暴怒状态

in a completely different light 生动表达截然不同的感受

hysterical 异常兴奋的  注意和historical区分



What’s the first movie that you went to in a theatre, not animated?

I remember that the first time that I saw ‘brave heart’, that’s one of my favourite movies of all times, I remember seeing that for the first time and I was like ‘Wow!’

my favourite…of all times/like ‘Wow!’ 生动地形容你最喜欢的某个东西


What’s a favourite movie quote that you love, from this film or from outside?

Ok I mean, there is a great quote by Jacob, I think it’s in ‘New Moon’, he says something like ‘Does my being half-naked bother you?’ and it was a really funny line that all the fans love and I don’t think it made it in the movie but I do have to give the quote to Rob in ‘Eclipse’ where he asks if JacobXX is a shirt. That was a pretty great one as well.



How do you use IMDB?

Umm, information! I mean, just all across the board, and I mean my funniest IMDB story is probably when I originally audition for the franchise, for ‘Twilight’, I had no idea what is was, ‘What is Twilight?’ I asked people, and they were like, ‘Oh I don’t know, it has vampires and forests’, and I’m like ‘That sounds strange’, and after I audition, and I met with XXX on it, I liked a 2-month period where I had to wait before I found out that I got the job, and in that two months I remember seeing it on the front page of IMDB that this is like the one of the most anticipated movies of next year, and it’s just that, it was on the front page every single day and I’m like ‘What is this Twilight thing?’ and all I can say is I’m so happy that I got it!

all across the board 全面地;包括一切

…story is when… 讲故事建议从when引领的从句开始

the most anticipated… 最受期待的




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