雅思口语9分-巨星访谈连载2-影帝Johnny Depp教你地道描述人生阶段

墨尔本文波雅思的巨星采访笔记又来啦!这次为大家带来的是全球最受欢迎的好莱坞演员Johnny Depp来教烤鸭们如何用地道的语言描述人生中的不同阶段,这也是IELTS雅思口语考试中的必考题型噢!喜欢德普的同学们是不是有点小期待了呢?由于原视频没有字幕,小编特地为大家准备了精彩的原文摘录和解析,不妨认真学习一下噢!


We’ve gone so far into the idea of making something completely different, that’s to say, you know, breaking old formulas, smashing the old jokes and making this as fresh as possible for the people and for the audience.

Break old formulas 打破陈规;注意在连续描述多个动词时doing 形态的统一


She was magnificent, as always.



(With) insane humor, she is a real force.

someone is a real force描述一个你觉得很厉害的人(口语中用insane显得更生动


“What’s your reaction to being the No.1 most popular actor in the world?”

I wouldn’t have expected that in a million years.

注意将来完成时的运用,不要错用wouldn’t expect that


“Which roles that you played have influenced your life more than any others?”

I mean, in a way, there are two, in a sense, because it’s like these kinda strange stages on the way, you know…

I mean/I would say/in a way/in a sense/you know /in some degree都是德普惯用的filler words



Captain Jack certainly, you know, spun the world upside down for me, in some degree, and in a very positive way, since about 2003. That’s been a huge part of my life and my family’s life.

Spin the world upside down for me颠覆了我的世界 注意spin的过去式spun


But beyond that, I would say, you know, ‘Edward Scissorhands’ was really a massive turning point for me in terms of me being able to get my feet on solid ground and in a direction that I would wanna to go, that was not necessarily one that people wanna me to walk.

beyond that 话题更进一步时使用

massive turning point 重大转折点

in terms of me being able to… (比说because I was able to地道连贯得多

get someone’s feet on solid ground 站稳脚跟





雅思口语9分词汇句型-人物类访谈连载1:Robert Downey Jr


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