地道词汇的积累和提高需要时间,墨尔本文波雅思一直在默默的为烤鸭们准备雅思口语相关的地道的词汇搭配。今天继续GI Joe 特种部队的收集
vile extremely disgusting 非常 讨厌的; 可憎的: a vile smell, taste, etc 令人厌恶的气味﹑ 味道等 * use vile language 使用卑劣的语言.
make an example of you 把你当成一个例子
weaponry n [U] weapons of a particular type or belonging to a particular country or group nuclear weaponry
nanomite 纳米虫
ETA =estimated time of arrival
weapon conplex 兵工厂
fall out, boys 解散,弟兄们
put that away, would you? 把那个收起来,好么?
trampo=trampoline 蹦床
box us in 把我们包围了
My leg is pinned 我的腿卡住了
get in this fight 进入这场战斗
You had that coming 你自找的
marksman 射手
primo stuff 顶尖的东西
I want in 我想要加入
a tac operation 一个战术行动
the Alph dogs 牛的部队
camflouge suits 迷彩服,隐身服
intel=intelligence 情报
went down 飞机坠落了
He followed the instructions to the letter 精确的遵守了指示
The money will take care of itself 钱不用你担心,会自己来
have at it 开始做…Start doing something. Get down to it.
Knowing is half of the battle 知道对手情况是战斗的一半
spy on…监视
Let me freshen up 让我打扮下 wash and make (oneself) look clean and tidy after a journey, before a meeting, etc (为自己)梳洗: I’ll just go and freshen (myself) up before the interview. 我这就去梳洗打扮一番再去会面.
deploy v.部署
I’ve been wanting to do this 我一直想要
o five hundred: 05:00
Let’s suit up 整装待发
We got off on the wrong foot 一开始就错了
provisionally of course
You get knocked down, you get back up
He is a weakling
hold the leash
stick to the plan
It’s gettng thick out there
Everybody pulls back now
reveal himself