



A类大作文:There is an increasing amount of anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others. What are the causes of this problem and what are your solutions?


求职信Job application,tourist guide for English-speaking visitors,带访客游览参观,内容要求写where did you see the advertisment,why are you applying for this job, and which places in the city are you going to show them.


In some countries children go to school for only 5 hours a day,分析advantages和disadvantages


小作文:olive oil的制作过程

大作文:advertising的影响:人们被大量广告围绕,这对人们的生活产生了越来越多的影响,你认为积极影响outweigh不良影响吗?Do you think its positive effects outweigh negative effects?


A类 reading 第一篇讲运河,第二篇讲娱乐和科学,第三篇从心理学角度讲员工的motivation
G类 1:博物馆介绍 2:对于员工使用电脑的监管 3:澳洲淘金热的7个人的故事


1.city survey 2.fitness club (daytime children care, sth new in the club, matching tennis players) 3.music and psychology 4.migration of butterfly


趴万work or study, newspaper,sports,travel,趴兔将来想去的一次特殊旅行,趴碎就着特殊旅行展开问,然后又问了business travel相关的问题

work or study. major.why you like it. 趴吐:one surprised you when you met. 趴睡:do you like make new friend.why.

p1 hometown swimming in hurry p2success you made p3在中国人认为的成功是什么 公司应该怎么奖励员工


p1 do you live in a flat or a house; describe the house where you grew up; what kind of housed are you planning to live in; what’s the most popular sport in your home country; when was the last time you watched a game of this sport; do you prefer watching it on TV or on site.

p2 describe a small business

p3 what qualities are required for small business entrepreneurs; what kind of small business are there in your city; what kind of obstacles do people usually face when operating a small business?

口语part 1 home 和 film part 2 善于学习语言的人 part 3孩子学习快还是成人学习快 外语在你的工作中有帮助吗


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