



A类大作文: some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think should focus academic study only. Discuss both views and give your opinion

G类小作文:you want to study in a foreign country, you have applied to go to the college, but didn’t receive a reply. details about the course you have applied; why you want to go to the college;why u want a reply soon

G类大作文:some people think advertising is useful and informative, others feel advertising gives false information and increases the price of products. Discuss both views and give your own opinion



A类大作文:Increasing contact in business and cuture. Some people think it’s good for development. Some people think this will result in the lost of nation diversities. Discuss both side and give your opinion.




Passage 1 澳洲一个岛的各种介绍

Passage 2 机器人和孩子之间

Passage 3 海豚觅食工具

G类阅读大家都反映比较难。最后一篇T/F/NG 最难做。


Section 1   给儿子报名camping  类型

Section 2 新西兰岛上的博物馆介绍

section 2

Section 3  和老师讨论presentation 雕塑

Section 4 lecture  员工请假类型的调查


p1 公寓和house 你想住的房子 你从什么时候学习的数学 喜欢用计算器吗 数学的重要性 p2 a paid work p3科技与工作

part1 cloth ,student or work ,name part2 童年玩具part3 中国孩子的玩具

P1电影 公共假日P2一个令你惊喜的人P3怎么与外国人相处 怎么跨越文化差异等 最最重要的是P2为了让让学生不紧张他不会看你一直看本子

p1:home,music,transportation;p2:an indoor game;p3:types of game,different between boy and girl playing games

趴万,work or study,sky trees 趴吐,good leader 趴碎,关于leader的各种

趴1.住的房子,类型,收藏。中国人一般喜欢收藏什么?趴2.幸福 趴3.中国人感觉幸福的时候都做什么

P1 公寓,音乐会,电视节目,电视 P2 迷路 P3 看地图 GPS

趴1: major,like?,sky,good place to see sky, star knowledge, organise time,趴2,famous person,趴3,为啥变坏有了钱后,为啥爱关心名人们私生活,成名的好坏,你想不想成名

p1. house or apartment . collection. p2. family events in childhood. p3. traditional chinese house. parents tread boy or girl different?

p1 major fruit text p2穿着时尚的人(上次考是长得好看的人)p3一直问我你觉得什么是时尚 年轻人和老人的时尚一样吗 去哪买时尚的衣服




1 Comment 2015年8月29日雅思考试真题回忆直播-澳洲+大陆版


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