
Wild animals are still not protected by humans. What are the causes? Suggest some solutions.

Band 7.5

Extensive hunting and killing of wild animals have caused great concern among animal conservation organizations and in the general public.


There are two main reasons why this situation remains unsolved. Firstly, the pursuit of profit continued to lead to the hunting of endanger species. Greedy people wish to become rich through the trade in rare animal products. For example, today the trade in elephant ivory is even more lucrative than it was a decade ago, mainly because there are even fewer elephants on this planet. Secondly, humans’ short-sightedness in economic and social development is also responsible for the danger that many wild species are facing today. Although it is commonly believed that wild animals are humans’ friends and should be preserved by us, when the time comes for us to choose between human interests and animal well-being, animals always lose out. Development of human society seems to override any other tasks, including the preservation of the natural habitats that wild animals rely on. Deforestation in the Amazon region, for instance, has put many rainforest species unique to this region on the brink of extinction.




To address this situation, governments should introduce strict laws that can deter illegal trade in endangered animals and their body parts. This is so urgent that I believe if no such laws are enforced on an international scale immediately, we will face the extinction of larger numbers of rare animals in years to come.


Compared with punishment, prevention is even more important. Education about the importance of eco-balance seems to be an effective way to achieve this because it addressed the root causes of the problem, although it may take longer time to produce concrete results.


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