




Now let’s look at where we are in reality, recent headlines, in the media, include Foreign Policy magazine: China’s victim complex: why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the United States? Or the AFP the Agence France Press (法语,法新社): Human rights in China worsening, US finds. Blomberg says on the cover of the magazine: Yes, the Chinese army is spying on you. And it’s such a great one that I just want to show you the cover of the magazine. Yes, be very afraid!

paranoid about 偏执,幻想的



So it’s actually extremely high amount of negativity fear and anxiety about China, Sino-phobia, that I think is not just misinformed but also misleading, and ultimately dangerous, and what about how westerners are viewed by Chinese?

anxiety 焦虑

-phobia 表示对…的恐惧

misinformed 误报的

凡事都不要忘记the other side:接下来说中国人对外国人也是有偏见的


Well, we have terms for westerners, the most common of which are gwailo in Cantonese, which means the old devil; Laowai, meaning the old outsider, in mandarine; Ang Moh, which means the red haired one in Taiwanese; the list goes on and on.

the most common of which…体现从句功力



So are these roommates headed for a best friend relationship? I think we need a little help.



And as China rises to be a global power, I think it’s more important than ever for us to be discerning about what we believe, because after all, I think that’s the purpose of higher education, and that’s why we are all here to be able to think for ourselves make our own decisions: China’s not just those headlines, the burgeoning economy or the unique politics, it’s not just the world’s factory or the next big super power, it’s so much more. A billion people, with rich culture, amazing stories, and as a product of both those cultures, I want to help faster understanding between the two and help create that incredible relationship because knowing both sides of the coin I really think that there’s a love story willing to be told, willing to unfold and I’m only have joking when I say love story because I believe it is the stories that will save us, will bring us together.

discerning about 辨别,高分词汇

burgeoning 增长迅速的,生机勃勃的,高分词汇

knowing both side of the coin 形象比喻中西两方面都了解

雅思大作文和口语Part 3满分答案有木有。长句连接流畅自如,逻辑通顺连贯,可以说比很多说英文的老外都更善于表达。


And my thesis statement for today’s talk is that the relationship between the east and west needs to be, and can be fixed via pop culture. That’s a big fat claim, and I’m gonna try and back it up.

Thesis statement 中心思想,核心论点

big fat claim 形容话题或者目标很远大



Now the UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon said there are no languages required in a musical world. That is the power of music and that’s the power of the heart. Through this promotion of arts, we can better understand the culture and civilizations of the other people, in this era of instability and intolerance; we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.

Intolerance 不宽容



Music and arts have always played the key role in my life in building relationships, replacing what once was ignorance, fear and hatred, with acceptance, friendship and even love. So I have a strong case for promoting music in between cultures because it happened to me earlier in life.

ignorance 无知

hatred 敌意




I was as American as an apple pie, until one day on a third grade playground, the inevitable finally happened. I got teased for being Chinese. Now every kid gets teased or make fun on the playground, but this was fundamentally different, and I knew it right then and there. This kid, let’s call him Brian McKilroy. He started making fun of me, saying Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these! I can’t believe you’re laughing at that , that hurts! OK I’m just kidding.

the inevitable 不可避免的事

get teased 被取笑戏弄

展示native speaker风采的一段,生动,地道,幽默,用最平易近人的方法讲述自己童年的伤心往事:“跟所有的ABC一样被嘲笑是中国人,黄种人”。


I can still remember how I felt. I felt ashamed, I felt embarrassed, but I laughed along with them, with everyone, and I didn’t know what else to do. It was like having an out-of-body experience as if I could laugh at that Chinese kid on the playground with all the other American kids because I was one of them, right? Wrong, on many levels. And I was facing for the first but definitely not the last time, the harsh reality that I was minority, and I was confused. I wanted to punch Brian, I wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation, but he was faster than me, stronger than me, and he would kick my butt, and we both knew that, so I just took it in, and I didn’t tell anyone or share anyone with these feelings. I just held them in and let them fester.

out-of-body experience 出体体验

harsh 严酷的

take it in 隐忍接受,习语

fester 溃烂(在心里)



And those feelings would surface in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music. And it was no coincidence that around that time I started getting good at the violin, and the guitar and the drums, and I was soon discover that by playing music or singing, other kids would for a brief moment, forget about my race or colour and accept me and be able to see me for who I truly am: a human being who’s emotional, spiritual, curious about the world and has a need for love just like everyone else.

therapeutic 治疗的




And by the six grade, guess who asked me if I would be the drummer for his band? Brian McKilroy. And I said yes, and that’s when we together formed our elementary school rock band called …


But really what attracted me to music at his young age was just this, and it’s still, what I love about music, is that it breaks down the walls between us and show us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we are different.

break down the walls 比喻打破界限阻隔

…much more alike than …different 地道表达,相像,没什么大不同


Then in the high school, I learn that music wasn’t just about connecting with others, like Brian and I were connected through music, it was a powerful tool of influence and inspiration.



Sam Nguyen was my high school janitor. He was an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke a word of English. Sam swept the floors and cleaned the bathroom of our school for 20 years, and he never talked to the kids and the kids never talked to Sam. But one day before the opening night of our school’s annual musical, he walked up to me holding a letter, and I was taking it back and I was thinking: why is Sam the Janitor approaching me?

janitor 清洁工,看门人

annual musical 年度音乐剧

take it back 形容退却的,不能接受的


And he gave me this letter that I’ve kept to this day. It was scrolled, in a shaky hand written in all capitals, and I read, “in all my years of working as a janitor at Sutherland, you are the first Asian boy to play the lead role. I’m going to bring my six-year-old daughter to watch you perform tonight because I want her to see that Asians can be inspiring.” And that letter just floored me. It was 15 years old and I was absolutely stunned. That’s the first time I realized how music was so important.

scrolled 卷起来的,皱的

floor sb 打倒,使…震撼

stunned 愕然,震惊的




With Brian music helped two kids who were initially enemies become friends, but with Sam, music went beyond the one-on-one, it was an even higher level, it influenced others I didn’t even know in ways I could never imagine. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Sam the janitor to this day. He really is one of the people who helped me discover my life’s purpose and I had no idea that something I did could mean more than ever imagined to an immigrant from Vietnam who barely even spoke English.





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