


Be an arduous process 是一个需要付出艰苦努力的过程

Someone‘s aspiration/pursuit 梦想,追求

Use lateral thinking使用发散型思维

Break the mould 打破常规

Standardised test 标准化考试

Rote memorisation 机械记忆

Standard of upright conduct 行为准则

Student’s autonomy 学生的自我管理

Self-discipline 自制力

Fall short of someone’s expectations 未能达到某人的期望

Cannot be a guaranteed success 未必一定会成功

Cover a lot of ground 覆盖了很广的领域

Self-paced learning 自己控制学习进度

Academic attainment 学术成就

Extra-curricular activities 课外活动

Repress individuality 压制个性

Asingle sex school 男校或女校

Come of age 成年

Slack off 懈怠

Apply oneself 尽力去做某事

Disruptive students/ unruly students不遵守纪律的学生

Act up 调皮不听话

Be geared to sth. 符合某种需求

Education should be geared to the students’ needs and abilities.

The responsibility for sth. Falls on sb. 某人肩负着做某事的责任

Shirk one’s responsibilities for sth. 某人逃避某种责任

Kindle one’s interest in sth. 唤起某人对某物的兴趣

A happy medium 折中方案

Burn the midnight oil 学习或工作到深夜




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