

  1. co-education: 男女同校
  2. higher education: 高等教育
  3. corporal punishment: 体罚
  4. tertiary education 高等教育
  5. peer pressure: 来自同龄人的压力
  6. supply teacher (substitute/relief teacher): 代课老师
  7. music appreciation: 音乐鉴赏
  8. compulsory course: 必修课
  9. elective course: 选修课
  10. lesson plan: 教案
  11. discipline: 管教,学科
  12. expel (expulsion): 勒令退学
  13. suspend (suspension): 勒令停学
  14. teacher’s aide (teaching assistant): 助教
  15. misbehave (act out): 不良行为;不守规矩
  16. truancy (play truant; skip class): 逃学,翘课
  17. zone out: 走神
  18. doze off; nod off: 打瞌睡
  19. sick bay: 医务室
  20. bullying: 欺负
  21. fall in with the wrong crowd (go astray): 误入歧途
  22. parenting: 親子教育;教養
  23. child care: 托儿所
  24. parent-teacher interview: 家长会
  25. curriculum: 课程
  26. syllabus: 课程大纲




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