
比较在雅思考试中极其重要,因为它既考察学生的思维也考察学生语言功底。雅思口语中第三部分经常让我们进行四种对比,古今对比,老少对比,中西对比,男女对比。雅思大作文中论证时有时需要对比论证,从而更好证明论点。A类小作文题目明确要求要make comparisons where relevant。可是同学们关于比较的错误比比皆是。有鉴于此,墨尔本文波雅思创始人文波老师为大家总结了关于比较的学生常犯的7种错误:




The weather in Bj is colder than SH.—wrong

The weather in BJ is colder than that in SH.—correct

The weather of BJ is colder than that of SH.—correct


BJ’s weather is colder than SH.—wrong

BJ’s weather is colder than that in SH.— wrong

BJ’s weather is colder than SH’s.—correct

that 指代前面的可数名词单数和不可数名词

those  指代前面的可数名词复数



The housing prices in BJ are way higher than those in SH.—correct

ZW’s eyes are bigger than LYL—wrong

ZW’s eyes are bigger than LYL’s.—correct

The eyes of ZW are bigger than those of LYL—correct



I love soccer better than my girlfriend.–wrong

I love soccer better than my girlfriend does.  —correct



I love soccer better than I do my girlfriend. —correct




A is half as much as B  A是B的一半


A is 3 times longer than B

A is 3 times as long as B

A is 3 times the length of B


The Yangtze River is 3 times longer than the Pearl River.

The Yangtze River is 3 times as long as the Pearl River.

The Yangtze River is 3 times the length of Pearl River.


4. double/triple/halve 动词不会使用

Double:   The length of CJ doubles that of ZJ.  长江的长度是珠江的两倍。

The birth rate has more than doubled in the past 20 years. 出生率在过去的二十年翻了不止两倍。

The birth rate has more than halved in the past 20 years. 出生率在过去的二十年萎缩了不止一半。


5. 重复比较级乱用-more and more

The kid is becoming more and more tall.—wrong

The kid is becoming more and more taller.—wrong

The kid is becoming taller and taller.—correct  孩子变的越来越高。

His homework is becoming more and more difficult.—correct  他的家庭作业变的越来越难。



the more,   the more

The more games we play, the more smart we will become—wrong

The more games we play, the smarter we will become.—correct

正确的结构: the more +主语+谓语, the more +主语+谓语

The more senior citizens there are in a society, the more claims are made for the state pension.



7.compare with/comparing with/compared with 乱用一气

Compare with 是谓语动词搭配,例句如下:

If we compare A with B, we may find that A is better.

Compared with 是过去分词短语,例句如下:

Compared with A, B is better.

Comparing with 是现在分词短语,例句如下:

Comparing A with B, we may find A is better.





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