
1月份雅思口语换题之后,墨尔本文波雅思录制了一系列墨尔本外教范例视频,大家一致表示帮助很大。这一次5月换题,我们继续上次的传统,第一时间录制了系列视频,会尽快给大家呈现出来!给大家连载2015年5月至8月雅思口语新题视频2,也是大家没什么素材的一道题,a small successful company–一个成功的小公司,看一下墨尔本有什么值得说的小公司吧!包括P2和P3



Describe a small successful company.(新题)

You should say:

what company it is;

what it does;

how you got to know about this company;

and explain why you think this company is successful.

Sample answers

So a small successful company that I know of is called XXX (Thank-you) company. This company was created by a person who lives very nearby to me. So it has very small roots. Initially, it was a company that sold bottled water and it was call XXX water. The special thing about this company was a large proportion of the sales made from the bottled water went to overseas country to help them with their education and clean water, that sort of stuff. So a lot of its profit did actually go to the company that went overseas that help other people indeed. I got to know this company because the person who started it, who was very local, so a lot of people in the area who was proud of him. He not also started his own company but also try to do some good in the world as well. I think this company is successful because it makes people feel good about the things they are buying. Instead of just buying a bottle of water, if I buy a XXX bottle of water, not only I’m buying myself a drink, but also I’m helping someone overseas who needs help, who needs you know money to be sent in. This company although was quite small to begin with,  slowly it’s growing, now it have not only XXX water, but also soups and cereals and other household products. If you buy their products, a persentage of the money is going overseas.






Do you think online shopping will replace buying in stores?


No, I don’t think online shopping will replace buying in stores. I think people in the end of the days still like to buy and try the things on before they buy it.

Also I think for some people, maybe the older generation especially, they don’t like to put their credit cards or giving money on the Internet and hoping that something will be sent back. They would much prefer to go into the shop and try something before they buy it. People love the exprience of shopping. It could be a day’s events. You can go out with your friends, you go window-shopping, you have lunch, buy a few things and it’s a successful and exciting day rather than just sitting behind your computer all day and doing it all by yourself.

What are the qualities of successful companies?

I think successful companies need to firstly please their customers or their clients. If the customers or clients are not satisfied with their service that is being provided, and they are not going back to the company, the the company wouldn’t be successful. They have to understand their clients.

Other qualities might be to go beyong the boundary of what is required. They not only provide service to the clients, maybe have additional discounts for loyal clients or maybe have or start up an organisation that send some of their propfit to the other organisation they need.

Do you want to work in a successful company?

I would love to work in a successful company just to see how everything works to get the experience because a lot of the times successful company’s filled with successful people and I think I could learn a lot from the managers and coworkers.


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