





A类小作文:两个bar chart 四个国家不同年份人口的比较。

A类大作文:青少年犯罪越来越多,原因及how to punish?


G类大作文: the olympic games no longer have a role in 21st century, do you agree or disagree?



IDP-P2 advertisement

P1 带表吗?为什么?是否准时?准时是否重要?是否喜欢坐火车旅行?火车上有什么有缺的事? P2 popular product in your region。 where who why P3 不同地域受欢迎的产品有什么不同,为什么会不同?国外的产品多吗?

P1  work or study food 喜欢吃什么,为什么?会自己做饭吗?你喜欢去公园吗,多久去一次,上次去是什么时候,公园有什么设施很好? P2 想要安家的地方 P3 你的家的类型,城乡居住类型的不同,旧房子的优缺点。

part1 home TV shopping part2 comic actor part3 一个人怎样能红?能红长久吗?演员不红的原因。每个演员挣很多钱吗?

趴1 名字 对学校的印象 车 出租车 交通一堆 趴二 一个你想遇到的外国人 趴三 著名的人对社会有怎样的贡献 如何贡献 这能解决大问题吗

part1 study ,why choose the university , museum ,schools have responsibility to take std to museums? part2 describe a foreign movie part3 popular movies ,what you can learn from them

p1你的家乡雨天火车p2描述一个你去过国家学习到的文化 p3以前的人是怎么学习文化的 你喜欢哪儿的文化  是怎么学习的 你朋友里面有没有学习其他文化的。

P1 work or study train travel,多久坐一次火车,墨尔本的天天坐好嘛。P2 comic star P3 children都有什么娱乐活动 中国有什么喜剧演员?男演员多还是女演员多?看过马戏团吗?喜欢吗?

P2 a time when u live away from home

part 1home tv shopping

第二部分a comic star in your country

P1 问了where do you live? 还有一些和TV相关的问题,然后还问了我是不是经常shopping,是一个人shopping还是和朋友们一起

P2 问了describe a friend who succeed

P3 问了些是不是经常会朋友聚会,什么样的朋友算是真正的好朋友,在中国,朋友之间都一般怎么小聚

P1 学生还是在工作,然后问我是不是经常戴手表,之后又问我是不是经常坐火车上学

P2 describe a place you would like to visit, but not your country.


P1 学习还是在工作,是不是经常dining out,中国的年轻人是不是都会做饭

然后第二趴问了我an experience you had when you left home


Part 1 Name;accommodation, parks

Part 2 describe an intelligent person,P3基础教育是否需要compulsory,中国的教育和西方教育的不同点在哪儿,家长是否应该替孩子们做决定之类的

Part 1 work or study, maps, clock, transportation

Part 2 a piece of advertisement

Part 3 the impact of advertisement on young children? why there are many companies spend huge amount of money on advertising every year? Do you think advertisement may make a negative influence on environment?

p1work or study. food u like, do u enjoy first day of work, why. do u cook, ydont u learn how to cook.p2 the thing u brought but never use.p3 do u often shopping, why? adv /disadvantage shopping in big shopping center. adv/disadvan for advertisment. different between advertisment on tv and magzine. adv/disadvan for govt have policy for advertisment.

Part 1 personal information, dictionary, rain

Part 2 describe an outdoor activity

Part 3 do people in china take part in a lot of exercise? what can people do near the seaside? do you think it is important to have a certain amount of calorie intake? what are the benefit of doing regular exercise?

Part1: work or study? How was ur first day at uni? Part2: describe a place u would like to have a home?( where it is? How do u know this place?)

Part3: do u thing ppl will move to rural areas in the future? What gov should do to attract more ppl to live in countrysides? Do ppl feel more relax in the rural areas?

Part 1 work or study, museums 问我是不是经常去museum

Part 2 Popular product in your region 我说的是iphone,一直说,说澳洲买比中国便宜不少,考官居然还问我why?

Part 3都是一些和电子产品和高科技相关的问题,问现在年轻人越来越依赖电子产品,有什么好处和坏处?你认为电子产品会不会让人们今后的生活更easy?online eduction有没有发展前景之类的?中国的家长是不是喜欢买电子产品作为礼物送给孩子们?

P1 favorite food cooking museum and art gallery (do u often go?why?good for children?) P2 a good advice (situation who) P3 it\’s better to get advice from families or friends? 什么时候听朋友的建议比较好?父母给的建议你不同意怎么办?中国父母更多是听孩子的还是让孩子听他们的?

RMIT,P1 weather, reading. P2 sth. you enjoyed reading. P3 has people’s attitude towards reading changed? Is reading skills more important in Uni or in schools? What do you like to read usually? Has the way people reading changed?


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