听力选择题较多 section2和3语速较快,section4语速较慢
阅读第3篇讲人类大脑发展,略难。选择 填空题和T F NG题 第二篇是List of heading 题
A类小作文:表格题竖四横三,竖的是四种房子 house apartment 联排别墅 还有个什么忘了,横着的是三个地点 Victoria, Tasmania,北领地,在2001到2006年之间数量的变化。
A类大作文:有人认为政府应该禁止危险运动,有人认为人们可以自由选择是否进行危险运动,agree or disagree
part1居住的城市,cooking,part2 book or magazing part3中国人,喜欢读书吗,为什么 杂志与书的区别 中国人喜欢读什么书 老人和小孩喜欢读书的类型
P1 work or study major 在学校都穿什么样的衣服 回家穿什么衣服?参加party有什么特别的着装吗? 你们国家的人守时吗?别人迟到你什么感受?你会不会迟到?
P2 本地的建筑
P3 过去的建筑和现在的建筑的不同 现代建筑和古建筑相比,哪个更重要,会不会越来越多。 怎样从古建筑里获得历史知识?
P1 work or study 喜欢高中吗,为什么?最喜欢和最不喜欢的学科?原因
P2 a family celebration
RMIT P2a thing you enjoy doing with an older people in your family P3 跟老人住有什么好处和坏处,老人对household有什么贡献,男女应该平等出去工作吗,你会不会和你妻子的父母一起住,父母都工作对孩子是否有不好的 影响
P2:What was the place away from your home?when ? Why ? How did you get there?
P2:Do you like watch TV program ? What is the favourite program ?what was the situation when you watch tv in childhood ?when did china change watching tv in community ?do you allow you child to watch TV?
P3:People can watch the distant place from TV,why people still love to visit the place ? What is the difference?do you think people can really understand the local culture in a short tourism time ?how do people record the place they have visited ? How do I record it? What is the difference using camera and recorder?