

It is no surprise that many English expressions come from the world of driving. One exciting example is “life in the fast lane.”


This expression comes from the country’s large system of highways. The roads are marked with painted lines to keep vehicles safely apart. These lines divide each road into separate lanes.

“life in the fast lane”形容紧张刺激的生活。这种表达源自美国大规模的公路系统。


Most highways in the U.S. are wide enough for three or four cars to travel side-by-side. Many areas require that slow drivers drive in the far-right lane. Faster moving traffic operates in the middle lanes. The fastest cars drive on the far-left side — also called the fast lane.



Someone living in the fast lane is like a fast-moving car. They live dangerously, at breakneck speed. It is a way of life marked by a fast pace and usually the chase of immediate satisfaction.

breakneck – adj. very fast : dangerously fast飞速惊险的



A person who lives in the fast lane is not happy to just live life quietly like other people. For someone living in the fast lane life is one exciting experience after another. Every night is a party!


Living life in the fast lane can be a selfish way to live. Sometimes these people only care about finding their next big thrill.


Such people might drink a lot of alcohol or use other drugs. They do not think twice about how their lifestyle may affect them down the road or how it may affect others.

to not think twice about (something) – informal phrase to do something quickly without considering it very much 仔细考虑

down the road – informal phrase in the future在将来


So, who lives in the fast lane?



Living in the fast lane has a high price tag. You need lots of money for this kind of life.


Some Hollywood movie actors are famous for their rich, fast-paced lives. Sports stars can have days filled with events, parties and groupies – people who like famous people and follow them.


groupies – people who like famous people and follow them.追星族


But you do not have to be famous to live in the fast lane. Many politicians, lawyers and business tycoons live in the fast lane. For them, life is full of movement, excitement and action!

tycoon – n. a very wealthy and powerful business person 商界大亨


However, most people — even actors and sports stars — need to be well-rested to perform well. If not, they could burn out quickly. But getting a full 8 hours is usually not part of life in the fast lane.

burn out – informal phrase exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration : a person showing the effects of drug abuse 筋疲力尽


full 8 hours – informal phrase a good night’s sleep


Many people who live in the fast lane are young. Sometimes, the fast lane leads them down a rocky road, or a very difficult phase.

rocky road – informal phrase a difficult period in a person’s life


Others may hit a fork in the road. They must decide to stay in the fast lane or slow down to possibly have a longer and more meaningful life.

fork in the road – informal phrase a deciding moment in life or history when a major choice of options is required 人生抉择



And some never learn. Their life in the fast lane leads them to the end of the road – meaning they die.

end of the road – informal phrase the end of the whole process : informal euphemism to die 死亡的委婉的说法


Rock musicians are known for living in the fast lane. We do not have time to name all of the performers who died young from their fast ways.



Members of the rock band the Eagles lived in the fast lane. In fact, the group’s founders, Glenn Frey and Don Henley, co-wrote a song about it.


“Life in the Fast Lane” is one of their biggest hits.

“Life in the Fast Lane”是他们最热门的一首歌。






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