雅思口语9分-巨星访谈连载1:钢铁侠Robert Downey Jr教你满分口语表达

怎样能够又学到地道的雅思口语搭配,又不费力呢?墨尔本文波雅思现在为大家推出系列连载,通过对美国好莱坞大明星的访谈,积累地道搭配和例句!首先给大家送上的连载1-Robert Downey Jr的访谈。

喜欢好莱坞大片的小伙伴们想必都认识帅气潇洒的小罗伯特唐尼吧!雅思口语中遇到描述人的这次墨尔本文波雅思为大家总结了IMDB对Robert Downey Jr关于《钢铁侠3》进行的一次采访中最精彩的口语表达及高分词汇,以便大家在雅思口语考试中,特别是Part2部分灵活运用。


Can you clear something up for me? 帮我解开一些困惑

Extremely agitated 极度焦虑不安


He peered through dimensions and saw things that others had only speculated at the mild possibility.




As a matter of fact, they said, anyone who believed in the stuff he saw was a conspiracy theorist.


精彩的复合句,As a matter of fact是很好的论述开头


So, everything that has grounded him in what he thought wasn’t wasn’t real is changed.


(又一个漂亮的复合句,ground someone in sth 让某人坚信某事;连用两个wasn’t在口语中表示强调,更加自然生动)


Well, I mean…You know, at this level, I think it just demonstrates that you’re hungry, and you’re willing to do what’s required of the major investment they have in this product.

(连用三个filler words加一个提前状语at this level来赚取思考时间;在谈论描述自己的话题和观点时建议大家学习钢铁侠常用第二人称you来代指自己,会给考官一种换位思考和感同身受的感觉,更加生动)


I could tell you that interestingly enough, more than any other time I’ve ever been promoting any movie, iron man 3, everyone kinda has the same reaction to the movie. They’re very pleased and they’re very happy that it’s kind of clever and it defies expectation.

(连续两个漂亮的提前状语修饰,interestingly enough配上more than any other time I’ve been doing sth,引发听者兴趣;kinda口语中kind of连读;pleased和happy连用,口语中适当的重复强调会让你的故事更生动;define sth完美诠释/代表了某事,非常地道)


inquisitive into sth非常好奇某事



I was raised in an eccentric family. 爱搞怪/古怪的家庭


Rotten Tomatoes 烂番茄,比喻严苛的评分或评价




想学习更多明星口语问答?精彩尽在文波雅思,See you next time!



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