

2015年1月29日及1月31日雅思回忆直播尽在微博@墨尔本文波雅思 及微信个人号wenbo_tv. 即时直播,关注我们,获得最早雅思回忆!

2015年1月29日及31日雅思口语预测-Part 1 完整版(含一月新题)



刚刚我看到国内有同学考 到一道之前没有见过的雅思口语新题,Describe a company that you join。P3 public service相关的,公司应不应该为员工培训?最近考雅思的同学注意了,这道题也适当准备一下



A popular APP on phones or tablets or computers that is useful

What it is

When you first use it

How you know about it

Why it is useful

P3 do you think technology can change our lives?

What can technology bring? Is it good or bad?

Where do you usually acquire knowledge from?

Do you think high technology is a waste of time?

Is it more acceptable for youngsters than the elderly? Why?


An important job in your country

What it is

What sort of people usually do the job

What you can get from it

And why it is important

P3what kind of person can have a job like that?

At what age do people start to work full time?

What are the factors of getting a job?

What is the job market like? Does it vary in different places?

Is it difficult to find a job in your country?


A sportsperson who did well in games

Who the person is

How you know about this person

What sort of life they had before they became famous

How this person performed

And explain why this person is important to your country

P3do you think men and women like the same sports?

Do you think children in China have enough time to do sports?

What can be done about it?

Is sports important to children?

What are the differences between male’s favorite sports and female’s?


Describe a thing that you did with a group of people

What it was

When you did it

Where you did it

And explain what you learned from it

P3 why should people cooperate?

Does a group need a leader?

In general, what are the differences between doing something in a group and alone?

Why do some parents want their children to become a member of a group?


Describe one thing that is a waste of time

What it is

When you did it

How you did it

Why you think it’s wasting time

P3describe something people waste of their time.

The ways you think can let people do not waste time.

Do you think people will follow their schedule?

Do you think having meals is important for celebration?


Invite friends or family to home or restaurants have a meal

When you invited your friend

Why you invited

What food you eat

Why you invite them

P3 what is the difference between food in your daily life and special day?

What do you think of food on different TV programs?

Do you prefer to eat at home or go to a restaurant? Why?


An occasion when someone gave you a piece of advice

What advice it is

When it happened

Where it happened

And explain how you have benefited from this advice

P3 so you think teachers should give job interview advice in class?

Do you think teacher should give students advice often or only when asked?

Should students ask teachers for personal advice or job advice?

Do you think it is better to take parents’ advice or friends’?

Do parents in your country listen to their children or make children listen to them?

What will you do if you do not agree with your parents?


A thing you borrowed from friends or family

What it is

Whom you borrowed it from

Why you need to borrow it

P3 what do you do if someone borrowed from you but never returned it?

Why do people reluctantly lend things to others nowadays?

What kind of people like to borrow things from others?

Do people in the neighborhood borrow things from each other? Why?

Why do people like to borrow things instead of buying things?


A beautiful or handsome friend

Who the person is

What he or she looks like

When you first met him or her

What his or her personality is

P3do you think people’s appearance matters?

Why do you think it is important?

Which is better, to have a lot of friends or just a few close friends?

Is it important for salesperson to be beautiful or handsome?

There are some skinny models in some magazines. Do you think it’s good for young people to read?

Do you often meet beautiful or handsome people?

What kind of things can be described as beautiful?

Discuss the beauty of cities and beauty of the nature.





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