墨尔本文波雅思外教视频示范如何回答一道经常出现的话题:想重看的电影,电影这个话题是雅思常考话题,从开始在Part 1出现开始,基本没有断过,Part 2 考过喜欢的电影,国外的电影,不喜欢的电影,到现在最新的这道想重新再看一次的电影。一部电影想要重看的原因很多,比如电影太深奥,之前没看懂,或者电影拍的太精彩,忍不住再看,或者看的日子太久远,忘记剧情了,又想再看,又或者在第一次看电影的时候有什么美好的回忆,想要重新体验。。。可以延伸的东西很多,总体来说这个话题想内容比较容易,但是讲的精彩却不容易了,下面看老师是怎么回答的吧!
Describe a film that you want to watch again(2015年新题)
What it was
Where you watched this film
Why you chose to watch this film again
And explain how you feel about the film
What kinds of films are most popular in your country?
What kinds of films do young people like to watch?
Do you think films have much influence on young people?
Do you think it’s necessary for film-makers to spend a lot of money to produce a successful film?
Do people of different age group watch different kinds of movies?