
墨尔本文波雅思外教视频示范如何回答雅思口语新题你想要给别人推荐的一次旅行,老师 给我们讲述的是她高中时去大澳村中部的旅行,你听了之后是不是也想去呢?在口语考试时,如果你回答后考官也想去你推荐的地方,那你肯定分数低不了!



Describe a journey that you want to recommend to others/you want to make again.

      类似旧题 a long journey

You should say

Where you went to

Who you went with

What you did during the trip

And explain why you want to recommend to others/make the journey again

A journey that I will recommend to others is a trip I went when I was 17 years old when I was in high school called Central Australia trip. We started in our school in East Victoria, and we drove all the way down to southern Victoria, the Great Ocean Road

along the western coast of Australia

up north through Adelaide

underground city

on the edge of a desert

sand and dirt above ground

open mining

we spend two nights camping

drove straight back

it shows the vast expansion of Australia’s beauty

forests, the sea, mining, deserts,stone grounds

it just shows the expanse of  how Australia is such a beautiful country

appreciate the beauty as much as I do



Do you like to have a long journey?

What do you do before you start your journey?

Compare long-distance travel with traveling short distances.

Do you prefer to travel with friends or travel alone?

Do you like to visit a place you have already been to?








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