墨尔本文波雅思外教为大家视频示范如何回答: a piece of good news you get from media or a friend这道题是一直都高频的Part1的news 部分的变题,难度不高。但是如何表述能让考官认同你讲的真的是一条好消息,而不是无关紧要的消息,非常考验考生在口语考试时讲故事的能力。注意老师是如何讲述她成为godmother时的清形。注意她用到的各种时态。整篇答案没有用到什么特别难懂的词,但是特别流畅,故事讲的很清楚,配合她的表情和语调,特别能感染人。大家要学习老师讲故事的技巧。
Describe a good news that you got from TV or a website or a friend
What the news is
Where you got it
Why it is good
OK, so some good news that I got was the birth of my godson. My friend messaged me I think 5:30 in the morning on the day of his birth telling me, you’re a godmother! She hadn’t asked me to be a godmother before, so I was very excited and very very happy. It was great news,not just good news. I think being a godmother is good news because I get to play with the kid. I get to do all the things his mother will get to do, his grandparents and his parents can do but I don’t have the responsibility of being part of the family. I can give him sweets and silly toys, things that my friend might not want and will not want to buy him herself. But because I’m his godmother, I can spoil the child but not worry about it . I was supposed to spoil him but the responsibility of controlling him isn’t mine. It was very good news for me. I love children, I love babies.
It was a very beautiful baby boy for me to play with, to cuddle
P3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of social network?
I think the advantage of social networking is probably the international feeling to it.
I have friends in Europe, Asian
It’s night time there, but daytime here
It makes the world a smaller place
bring people of differnt cultures, religions and living systems together
previously very isolated from each other
Do you think libraries will be replaced in the future?
How much time do you spend browsing the website?
雅思口语一月新题外教示范: a place full of colours