
墨尔本文波雅思外教为你视频示范,如何回答雅思口语一月新题: Describe an important toy in your childhood儿时的玩具.这道题不难,小时候的玩具比较好描述。注意时态,小时候的事情应该要用过去时。描述玩具现在的样子要用现在 时。




P2 Describe an important toy in your childhood.

What it is

Who gave it to you

How often do you play with it

Why you think it is important

外教给出的答案是泰迪熊,注意她是如何描述Teddy bear的外貌的,特别是后面描述泰迪熊的鼻子本来有一层绒布,这么多年都被磨掉了,都是特别真实的细节,很容易打动人。这基本是一个万能答案,可以用在自己的口语中。

A very important toy in my childhood is a teddy bear. He’s brown, and he has black nose, two slightly brown, slightly black eyes, depending on what angle the light is. It has no tail because it fell off. I got this bear when I was two years old, apparently from my parents but I was too young to remember. I know that I had it since I can remember, but I honestly just can’t remember where I got it from, but I’m pretty sure it was from my mom and dad. It’s very important to me because from when I can remember, this teddy bear slept with me every night. I was always holding it and it was on my bed all my time. so from the age of four or five I can remember, all my secret I will tell this teddy bear and any time I was sad, I would hold it and cry. When I was laughing or something, I would tell him a joke, just the way the children do with their toys. I still have this teddy bear now. His nose used to have this soft velvet, but when I was little when I felt upset, I will rub my nose on his nose, so all the velvet had been rubbed away by years of love, so now he has a cold hard shiny nose. But he still sits next to me on the bed table all the time. I’ve had him for longer than I like to remember, it is very important for me, cause it was the first toy I remember having and I had been with me pretty much my whole life. So I honestly say I love this teddy bear.


P3 Are there any new toys today that did not exist when you were a child?

A lot. I think things like video games and computer games, I would say they are toys because you play with them, but there weren’t such kind of things when I was young.

I think there is a lot of new dolls. When I was little there were barbie dolls. But now there are like millions different barbie dolls, and there are weird ones. They are like this that my sister used to play with like a monster high and there’s barbie dolls dressed like vampires, mummies and things like that. I think it’s very weird and I prefer pretty barbies with blonde hair and high heels.

I also think there are ones like technology based toys. Robotic dolls that kids play with these days, that kind of stuff, I didn’t have that ones when I was a kid. Maybe remote control cars, but there’s the extent of it.


Do you think computer games are good for children?

Not always. I think there are some computer games that are very good for children. My younger brother and sisters used to have homework which is to play a computer game called mathletes. Primary students were given usernames and passwords, and they log onto the computer or a website. You progress the game by completing math questions and math tasks. It’s an educational game.

It helps you to exercise the brain.

But there are also other games which I think are rubbish, not educational. not beneficial to children at all. For example, games like shooting games. they doesn’t exercise anything except your reflexes. But you can do better by going outside and throwing a ball.

I am more traditional in this sense.



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