
相信目前炒的火热的VR(Virtual Reality)和AR(Augmented Reality)技术对于很多同学来说都不陌生,尤其是那些玩游戏的同学(毕竟最开始这两项技术就是应用在游戏上的)。不过很多同学也只是一知半解,甚至无法分辨到底什么是VR,什么是AR。墨尔本文波雅思PTE的小编就找了相关的文章来给大家普及一下,同学们在看的过程中也注意一下里面地道的表达方法,希望对大家的写作和口语都有所帮助。

With Virtual Reality Comes Augmented Reality

It comes down to the fact that AR doesn’t exclude reality, but rather includes it, which could be key to bringing mixed reality to the masses. While VR offers an immersive(沉浸式) world that leaves reality behind, AR allows both worlds to coexist, which may be more appealing to people who already feel they spend too much time alone in front of a screen and not enough communicating with colleagues, friends, and loved ones in real life.(这句话大家可以好好学习一下,尤其是PTE的考生,这句话对于summise written text很有帮助) This inclusiveness might be vital in bridging the gap(地道搭配) between gamers and early adopters, and the mainstream consumer market.



75% Virtual + 25 % Real = Virtual Reality

25% Virtual + 75 % Real = Augmented Reality)


AR headsets, such as Microsoft’s Hololens and Magic Leap, are poised to (=be prepared to) disrupt the headset and mixed reality marketplace, despite their higher price point. But it’s a smaller company that is beating both the heavy hitters to the playing field, while undercutting them as well. The Meta 2 put its developer’s kit out on March 4, offering a wider range of vision than the Hololens. It also demonstrated just last week how two people can pass virtual objects between them, sharing their mixed reality experience in real time.


(现在做VR和AR的厂商真的犹如雨后春笋,一家接一家,除了这些最开始做的公司,现在像Samsung, Sony甚至HTC都在做,产品种类也渐渐丰富起来。)


Ultimately, both AR and VR can offer companies advantages that didn’t previously exist, from accelerating the business cycles and enabling richer experiences, to enhanced visualization and making what was once inaccessible accessible. But the next real differentiator, one promised by both technologies, will come in the success of real time collaboration and interaction.

(淘宝最近就发布了最新的淘宝 buy+视频,采用VR技术来增强购物体验。消费者可以足不出户就置身于类似于美国第五大道的地方来浏览商品。)



Measuring Potential

One of the biggest factors that will be key to determining VR’s mainstream potential is the ability to socialize and interact with real world friends, family, colleagues, and clients in the virtual world.


At the moment VR is still a singular experience, but if it can offer ways to enhance real-world relationships by putting people from different geographic locations together in a virtual space where they can collaborate and share experiences, then more people will be likely to embrace it.

AR on the other hand is more useful for collaborating in person in mixed reality, and that the ultimate result is to create one headset that does both equally well. At this point, it is just a matter of seeing who gets there first.






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